Chapter 7

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A/N There's a picture of Aaron at the side. Handsome, no? *_*
Zac Efron as Aaron Carter.

The picture is of Aaron in a beanie, like in this chapter.


"Goodbye aunty, love you." I yelled on the phone and hung up. I was just talking to Aunt Liza on the phone after ages. Man, I missed her. Mother never even called me once, nor did she text me but I was just used to it now.

I heard the cabin doors open as Kate and Jessie walked in. They were laughing about something as they spotted me.

"Grace, you won't believe it," Jess said loudly as she came running to me and jumped on my bed like a madman. "Cameron Anderson Aka Mr.Hottie asked Kate out."

I wasn't startled. I was used to Jessie's hyper behaviour in my years of friendship with her. I giggled loudly.

"Like Oh Em Gee," I screeched. "That is like so awesome!"

Jessie and I stared at each other for a second and went in another series of giggles. I sat up to see Kate blushing profusely, sitting on her bed.

"You guys make such a big deal of everything," She said.

Jessie and I stared at each other and started chanting together.

"Cameron and Kate sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," We made kissy faces and Kate blushed even more now. She took a pillow from her bed and threw it at Jessie.

I smiled, standing up and straightening my clothes.

"Come on guys, it's time for the bonfire," I raised my eyebrows mischievously at the two girls.

"Oh my god, I totally forgot," Jessie slapped her forehead as she made an 'O' with her mouth.

"Don't worry, I've got all the set up arranged already," Kate smirked as she tied her hair up in a bun, to hide the rest of the green that was left. She was wearing a sea blue shirt with a white upper and white skinny jeans. She looked absolutely flawless, no wonder Cameron asked her out. I was slightly jealous of her figure.

It was time to get revenge from Aaron and boy, he is in for something.


I went over to sit beside Aaron who was talking to his friend, Jeremy. Jeremy was a black-haired boy with grey eyes and just like all of Aaron's friends, pretty well-built. I bet he had a six-pack hidden under that brown shirt of his. He was in the blue team, so I heard from Aaron.

It was almost time for the bonfire. Who knows what activity will happen today, I guess I'll never know. The counsellor came up in the middle of the circle and everyone went back to their usual seats.

There was a sudden hush in our team as everyone stopped chattering.

Aaron moved around to see me sitting beside him, his eyes widened a bit. He was shocked, probably because he was always the one who came to nag me. It was the first time I went to him myself. He smirked and brought his lips near my ears.

"What? Couldn't resist me, could you?" He whispered.

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes and whispered back.

"Well, you.."

"Ok, today we're gonna compete with our rival teams. In today's activity, all of you have to go to the other.." Aaron was interrupted by the counsellor's instructions. I zoned out on the first sentence and focused on what I was supposed to be doing. Revenge.

I looked around to see Aaron concentrating hard and listening to counsellor's every word. I was taken aback, now that's something new. I was staring at him through my peripheral vision as he slowly smirked. Why would he be smirking while listening instructions? I swear that boy...

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