Chapter One

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   "Me? A warrior?" gasped a small black she-kit. "With all the fighting? No way." Her brother circled her.

   "What's wrong with that?" asked a orange tom. "I like fighting!" He pounced on the black kit and she tried to roll over, but he pinned her down.

   "I don't want to hurt any cat!" she meowed. "It's mean!"

   "You have to toughen up, Ravenkit." the orange kit mewed. "Or what else will you be? An elder, I bet." Ravenkit hopped up and glared at him. She puffed out her small tail indignantly.

   "No! A medicine cat."

   Their mother entered the den. Her brown fur gleamed in the green-leaf sunlight. She licked the top of the orange kit's head.

   "Are you two arguing, Flamekit?" she asked. "I only went to get a mouse to eat!"

   "Flamekit was teasing me about wanting to be a medicine cat." complained Ravenkit. "Tell him I am going to be a medicine cat, not a stupid ol' warrior." Flamekit growled playfully and pounced on his sister again. This time they both rolled across the floor. They bumped into their mother and she gently pushed them away.

   "Stop it you two." she ordered. A calico she-cat entered the nursery with some herbs in her jaws. The kits spit up and walked over to her.

   "I am goin to be a medicine cat,  Daisyear!" boasted Ravenkit. "Am I going to make a great one?"

   "I hope so," Daisyear meowed. "I need an apprentice. Things are always too busy around here for only me to hold things together." Flamekit growled.

   "No! Tell Ravenkit she has to be a warrior!" Flamekit meowed to his mother.

   "I'm sorry, Flamekit. She can be whatever she wants to be." The brown she-cat meowed. 

   "You can still visit her in the medicine cat den." Daisyear turned to their mother. "Logfur, here are your herbs. You need them for the Gathering tonight. Are you going?"

   "Yes, I am." Logfur meowed.

   "But what about us?" wailed Ravenkit. "I want to go with you."

   "No, you have to wait until you're apprenticed." she told them gently. "Now go clean yourselves up. There's going to be a ceremony and you two have dust all over your fur!" Logfur started licking Ravenkit's head, but she brushed her mother off. 

   "I can do it!" she meowed. She finished cleaning her fur of dust, and Flamekit did also. Wind ruffled her fur when she stepped out of the nursery. They followed their mother outside. Ravenkit saw a big white cat with black patches climb up onto a tall rock in the clearing. She gaped at him when she sat down by her mother in the clearing.

   "Cats of Windclan!" called the tom. "I am here to announce two new warriors to Windclan! Fawnpaw and Duskpaw, please step forward." Two young cats stepped up onto the rock. "Fawnpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code at the cost of your life?"

   The light brown tom swallowed and meowed, "I do."

   "Then by the powers of Starclan, I name you Fawnfur of Windclan!" Cats cheered at the leader's words. Ravenkit cheered also for her Clanmate. Ravenkit leaned towards her mother.

   "What's the leaders name?" she asked her.

   "Fernstar." her mother whispered. Ravenpaw leaned back again to gaze at the orange she-cat who stood up next.

   "Duskpaw, do you promise the same, to uphold the warrior code at the cost of your life?" Fernstar asked.

   "I do." came the shakey awnser.

The Last Clan- book 1Where stories live. Discover now