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This is just a public plot bunny dump. I will add to it as I find more. I'll also always have it at the end of the book so if- when I write another chapter this will be after it.

Soooo.. um I've been thinking and I now have ideas.. lots of them, but I need a lot of help deciding which story to work on..

Pls comment which one(s) I should work on. If plural which one first.

If- when I finish one I'll either put done after it or a check mark or something so it's known to be finished

Apologies for the little punctuation..


The princess bride au: In which Merlin says as you wish a lot and Arthur eventually realises it's code for I love you and they get together but Merlin has to leave and then word is no one made it and Arthur's mopey but Uther tries to marry him off and he has no reason not too and 1) it plays out like the princess bride 2) it has an angsty twist 3) I write both endings and number them


The princess protection program au: in which Gaius takes Arthur and they go stay in Ealdor with Merlin.. for the safety of the heir and between Merlin and Will Arthur's pompous ass gets humbled down and between Merlin, Arthur and the hayloft things get..👀


(Okay okay I know another bride thingy au but between the last two my brain just went to sappy movies and how to merthur them)

The decoy bride au: in which Arthur and          tries to get married but everyone keeps following them and following them till finally they go somewheres  remote and that no one would expect Ealdor but then they are found out so they need someone to be the decoy to get married too so then everyone would be pleased and bugger off and then have the real wedding the next day but no one is the same height as the bride as Merlin and dun dun dUNNN


The Mulan au: When Merlin sees a soccer get excuated he is horrified at the idea of such prejudice continuing. He decides to join the knights, as a way of trying to sabotage murders from inside the system. He struggles to do so without magic, then he goes why not??? He makes the squad, he sabtoges murders, but then it is revealed... No one trusts him anymore. But then he got wind of Agravaine's and Morgana's plans.. Will he convince them in time? Will they ever believe magic is good? Will Arthur ever just look at him the same as before?


I'm not completely sure how to explain this but: um an OG aesthetic it'll probably be Morgwen slash I just like the prettyness of Morgana and Gwen in beautiful chiffons exploring a castle or riding horse or feeding each other grapes or pranking people by selling them sugary perfume and all the bugs won't leave the pranked alone Idk just OG Morgwen


Nostalgic Gaius: him remembering random happenings and events that Alice and him lived through and just kinda hoping where ever she is she's okay


Modern au: psycho tips probs centered around Morgana being a villa- evil genius may involve a murder that was too thought out..


Idk what category this goes under: Merlin and Gwen teaching the knights of the round table how to cartwheel..


Wholesome content: Merlin and Hunith, Gaius and Hunith, Will and Merlin, Arthur and Morgana, Morgana and her nonbirth father,Gwen and Leon,Mordred and Merlin, The cook and Dragoon, Merlin and Gwaine, etc.


Romance through the seasons: just people getting the nerve to reveal their bucketloads of feelings as the snow comes down or during harvest or the spring coming


Idk that victory thing and then a passionate kiss


Never have I ever, truth or dare, seven minutes in heaven, more kissy games.. or truth revealing stuff.. um


Dance lessons any duo maybe for pure comedy maybe for romance maybe as a loss in a bargain Idk just dance lessons


Take a song and edit it into a story??


I don't know I just think they're neat: Soul mate au

(If wanted please inform which one out of the several billion and also which ship(s))


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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