Over Protective Brothers

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The house is so quiet. Silence stretches as we all go about our buisness, all of us are worried sick. We're so used to Percy's usual wise cracks and silly phrases and ways. without her in the house it kinda became like how it was after Jasons death, silent and cold. Just nothing was there emptiness.

The doorbell rings and I go to open it but am beat to it by Damien, his face is surprised. "Dami are you okay. You realise that I'm not dead right? Wow you go into a coma and your brother forgets you so soon." Damien hugs her and she laughs.

The person waddles inside with Damien still hugging her, I gasp (okay a lot of weird things are happening now since when did I gasp like one of those soap opera shows)  "PERCY!" I run and also hug her. Bruce comes out of his Study, Tim and Jason out of their rooms. Alfred even from the kitchen, soon it's a giant group hug. She laughs and says "Guys I fall asleep for 6 months and the house sounds so silent." We all laugh and I see Jason try to discreetly wipe tears.

I gasp "Jay. Where.. haha.. you just crying!!" I cant control my laughter at his surprised face "What no. Just something in my eye." Percy laughs and says "Oh are those tears for little old me?" Jason laughs and says "No it was just the fact that I finally beat your high score on Halo and Call of Duty." Percy laughs out a Noooo dramatically. I smile, none of us are ever going to let someone hurt her.


Once we saw Percy we all gave her a group hug. I feel a drop of water on my knee and I look down. I'm so confused but then I feel water on my cheek. I look up to check for a leak but see none. OH MY GOD. I'm crying. This is new, I try to discreetly wipe them off but Dick catches me. God he is so going to regret this later. He makes jokes about it and I punch his arm. He pouts and Percy laughs it echos through the house and we all smile. I laugh it off and insult Percy's Halo score. It's good to have her back home.


Once I saw Percy. I hugged her and didn't let go. I tower above her by a few inches but she still manages to waddle inside. She hugs back and soon it turns into. What do people call it oh yeah a group hug. I'm happy to have my little sister back. Okay sue me the master assassin has feelings now deal with it I am not ashamed that having Percy as my sister made me soft.


Yeah officially its unspoken but we are never telling Percy about our vigilante identities. I mean look what happened to her even though we didn't tell her yet. What would happen if we told her! She'd be in even more danger than she already is by being Bruce Wayne's daughter. I mean look what happened to Jason and that was just from being Robin. But I know that we're all really happy that Percy is awake and safe.

(bet you weren't expecting that😆)

"Bruce Wayne's brat is awake now. How about we ask for some ransom Harls! And maybe beat her up as well?" I ask Harley. She cackles and says "Sure thing Mista J." She grabs her bat and then walks off to tell the boys to get the stuff ready. I can her hitting the bat against the pipes as she walks. I raise my hand to my face and press the tattooed smile to my mouth and cackle. It echoes through the room and the other villains look at me smiling as well. Time to have some fun.

Okay so question for you demigod out there about dc and PJO facts

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Okay so question for you demigod out there about dc and PJO facts.

Questions closed peeps sry feel free to comment some other questions u might wanna see me ask people don't tell the answer though. The questions have to be either a Marvel or DC question along with a PJO one.

Also which fandom do u guys like DC or marvel. mines Marvel and PJO lol

What was Harely Quins name before she became the Jokers girlfriend?

What is the first thing Annabeth says to Percy when she meets him?

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