So anyone else up for another Prophecy

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"So essentially we have to risk our lives again and we have to work with those mortal vigilantes?" Annabeth says while swatting away Leo's hand from the plate of cookies.

"Put down the cookies Valdez. cookies are for closers." He looks at her in horror but sets the cookie down while grumbling evil. A ripple of laughter goes through the table but does down soon. Although it was funny the weight of what's going to happen rests on all of shoulders. The others sit around the table now listening to see what happens.

A/N (Jason does not die why Uncle Rick did you have to kill him off!!)

Meanwhile Leo runs a hand through his hair his usually smiling silly demeanor gone replaced with one of annoyance and stress. He throws up his hands the tips sparking with fire while his eyes light up slightly with a orange glow "We just finished a war now we gotta go fight another." I snort leaning back Everytime there's a war why is it always is who have to fight??!!

"It's a loop we are stuck in a loop this is where it all started before!" my exasperation filtering into my voice. The rooms silent as we all think back to all our looses in the last wars. My mind strays to my friends and heros that I lost Ethan, Silent, Beckendorff, Luke... The rooms quiet with only Leo's constant finger snapping as he watches them light up with sparks.

"I don't like it as much as you guys but we have to plus this probably won't be nothing to hard for us. We have experience in this arena..."

I trail off knowing what kinda experience that usually ends up with gods and the like cursing us or getting mad or taking our memories or bunch of other stuff that would probably take forever to say. A ripple of laughter goes through the table as Piper  coughs on water and I hold her shoulder as she tries to get it out of her windpipe.

Few coughs and hacks later she gets that out of her system. I contemplate using my powers but she's soon fine. Turning to look at me she laughs uncontrollably.

"If you consider near death situations and sheer dumb luck expierience then sure Perce."

I feign offence dramatically putting a hand to my heart and saying "I consider experience experience." We all and snort because we all know that me and Pipes are huge Marvel fans.

Chiron sighs, "But we must talk about the Prophecy one of you must go to the Mortal heros and meet. I've already discussed it with Diana and Arthur they'll be here in 2 minutes to escort one of you to their headquarters." A collective groan goes around. Everyone turns to me and I look at them like what? I groan and punch Leo who's next to me. "Fine fine I'll go talk to the people who have sticks up their butts." Piper snorts and says "Peter Quill, Guardians of the Galaxy. Nice one Perce." I bow and walk backwards our the door.

"You know it."


So.... It's been a good 8 days since I updated..... Sry guys... School started where I live so homework has been bombarding me a little.

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