Oscar wanted an update so...

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A: Hello everyone! I have gotten two stories from readers, and they are both really awesome! The reason why I am updating is because someone was not patient enough to wait for the other stories to come in, so they bugged me and bugged me and bugged me until I gave the readers another update!

Oscar: You brought me to this world against my will, forced me to talk to the people who read this story, AND YOU GROUNDED ME FROM SEEING RUBY FOR A WHOLE DAY IN THE COMMENTS!

A: ... It was not that bad.

Oscar: Not. bad? NOT? BAD?!?! I HAVE HAD NIGHTMARES ABOUT THE SOME OF THE LOOKS THE GIRLS WERE GIVING ME FROM THAT LAST UPDATE!!!! *walks to a corner and hugs himself while trying to calm himself*

A: Uhh....

Oscar: The girls were everywhere... EVERYWHERE I TELL YOU!!!!

A: You do realize there is a group called the Oscar Pine Protection Squad, right?

Oscar: ... Really?

A: Yes, but we are getting off topic. Was there something you wanted to tell our fine and lovely readers?

Oscar: Oh, yeah! *Turns to camera* I wanted to give our readers some more freedom in writing. I realized that some people are better at battle scenes than love scenes, or better at comedy scenes than tragedy scenes, and so on. I also realized that people are better at 3rd person POV than 1st POV. Another thing is that some people relate to other characters, or write with other characters as the main narrator, such as writing in Blake's POV rather than writing in Ruby's POV, and so on. The last thing I realized was that everyone has a unique writing style of their own. So how they tell a story is going to be one of a kind.

A: (0_0) ... Wow, that was both incredibly deep and wise of you, Oscar. Not to mention somewhat inspirational.

Oscar: (-_-) Just because I live in a world that knows nothing but to be at war at one another, does not mean that I don't know how to inspire people, or that I don't know how authors are all different from one another.

A: sorry. ^^;

Oscar: Anyways, I started to think to myself: What if we gave the readers more of a selection to choose from to write in? And that led up to 3 days of bugging this lazy author-


Oscar: - and get a new update in. So here are the topics you can choose from:

1) Ruby's and I's first kiss

2) a RWBY pairing battle against a grimm of your choosing

3) Your own version of the last battle with Salem (Death can be included)

4) Who gets the next relic and how

5) What happens to me since everyone abandoned me when Salem comes to Atlas riding a freaking whale

6) If Pyrrha should ever come back, how does she come back and what would the reactions of others be

7) How did Nora get addicted to coffee

8) Any made up battle scene

9) If Murcury and Emerald had to make up excuses to explain why Cinder was gone to Salem, how would that conversation go

10) Other

Choice #10 is that if you would like to write something else other than what is listed above, go for it. The rules are just like last time:

1) No lemons

2) It has to be at least 100 words

A: Uh, Oscar? How do you know about lemons?

Oscar: ... I may or may not of read some of Blake's books...

A: You WHAT?!?!?

Oscar: Oh! and that reminds me! I did not understand all of what was going on in the books, so I was wondering if you could tell me what some words meant or what was going on.

A: ... *Asks cautiously* Like what?

Oscar: Like... *Flips through a book called Ninjas of love* This word.

A: *Looks at the word then flips out* YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT!!! *Takes the book away and burns it*

Blake: My book... :'(


Blake: 'cause he asked?

A: ... Here Oscar. These are more your kind of books.

Oscar: *grabs a book called Bartholomew and the Oobleck* Uh... Dr. Seuss books?

A: Yep!

Oscar: *Rolls his eyes* Fine.

A: Thank you for reading this update! I hope that you stay safe and let your imagination run wild! My Email is in the last update, for those who were wondering! Oscar and I hope to read some of your stories very soon! Good bye and Good luck!

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