There were fireworks!

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I looked to my right and saw her, she was wearing a red tight dress that highlighted every inch, and curve of her body. We locked eyes and she started walking towards me. I put a strain of hair behind my ear not losing eye contact with the beautiful redhead that sat beside me.

"Hey" said the redhead.

I smiled "Hey"

"Can I buy you a drink"

"34th day sober" I said, as I raised my water.

"Gotcha" the redhead nodded with a smirk on her face.

I could already feel myself getting lost in her blue ocean eyes.

" What's a beautiful girl like you doing here if she's not drinking".

" Let's get out of here and go somewhere a little more private," Luisa whispered into her ear , hoping the redhead knew what she was implying.

The redhead looked deep into her eyes.

" I thought you'd never ask " they both giggled.

On the drive Luisa started making small talk.

" What's your name beautiful"

" I'm Rose what about you"

" I'm Luisa, but you can call me Lu," she said smiling.

Once they ordered a room at a small motel Luisa wasted no time insisting they go to the pool, but Rose was hungry so they got powder donuts from the vending machine. Giggling and laughing at meaningless  conversations. After they sat and ate their donuts, they soon made their way to the pool. On their way down, Rose realized something.

" Wait we don't have swimsuits".

" We don't need them," Luisa laughed.

" But what if there's people down there".

" Trust me there's not, the pool is closed, but i'm friends with the owner so I can swim late whenever" Luisa said as she licked her lips. While admiring Roses hour glass shaped curves.

They walked over to the edge of the pool not skipping a beat - quickly tugging at each other's clothes. They looked deeply into one other's eyes, Luisa's falling into Rose 's crystal blue ocean eyes and Rose 's falling into Luisa's hazel glazed eyes.

" I really wasn't expecting this" Rose smirked. She thought Luisa was beautiful, but didn't think she stood a chance with the younger brunette.

" Well you never know when lightning is going to strike". Luisa says, slowly leaning into roses red stained lips.

They kissed, it was like the world stopped spinning and it was magic, then there were fireworks! Not to mention it was also the fourth of July. They could both see in each other's eyes what their needs and wants were. It only made them want each other more. They made raw ,desperate, passionate,love over, and over, and over again.

Rose woke up not knowing where she was leaving her confused, but that all changed when she felt the brunette's right arm tug tightly around her waist and her left hand on her thigh. Rose laid there and just embraced the beauty in front of her, wondering if she would ever see Luisa again. Besides - she had plans to settle down with a rich man. Luisa felt Rose tense, waking up instantly and their eyes locked.

" Good morning Lu" Rose said to break the silence.

" Good morning beautiful". Luisa Grinned.

" Well I should probably get dressed. I have a lot of work ahead of me today." Rose said as she slipped out of Luisa's tight grip.

" I should to I have an early lunch to attend" which Luisa honestly forgot about until now.

They were both gathering their clothes off the ground smiling at each other. Luisa watched Rose as she got dressed trying not to draw attention. Rose also watched Luisa get dressed just to make the moment last. Not wanting to forget her last fun night before settling down with a man. Only problem was, Rose was secretly a lesbian.

Once they were done they came in for one last kiss, but Luisa wanted more than that. She pushed Rose against the wall, kissing her one more time passionately. Rose smiled and did the same to Luisa instead of this time grabbing her by the waist and pulling up her thigh while kissing. They both groaned, enjoying each others taste.

" Well i guess this is goodbye".

" Yep I had a really nice night, let me guide you out" Luisa stated trying to make her time with the redhead last any longer she could. She hadn't had a time this  eventful in months.

" Wait didn't I drive you here? which means we should probably leave together and go back to the bar" Rose said while sounding sincere. Even though she wanted to spend more time with the brunette as well. Luisa nodded and gathered her things. Rose held her hand out for Luisa to grab. They walked to the elevator and soon out the door, not to mention they stopped at a gas station on the way for gas, and powder donuts. It was both their favorite snacks after all.

" Good bye beautiful," Luisa said before exiting the redheads car and getting into hers.

Rose winked and waved at Luisa as she pulled off. Letting go a breath, she didn't know she was holding.

Luisa head dropped to her car steering wheel after Rose took off. She began to sigh and started her car and took off not too far behind.

Luisa got home, took a shower and started to prepare to meet her father's new girlfriend. Honestly there was no need because they came and went so fast but her father seemed very excited about this one. Luisa pulled herself together even though the inside of her thighs were still sore after the long night she had.

Luisa's POV

I walked into the restaurant not knowing what was going to occur, I sat down next to my younger brother Rafael.

" Hey Raf ". I grinned.

" Hey Lu are u excited to meet dad's new girlfriend?" He said.

" Usually I would be, but we already know how this ones going to turn out, this is the fourth one this month." Luisa sighed.

" True but dad seemed overly excited about this one, I can tell this times different than the others". Rafael said while raising an eyebrow.

" True you never know she might surprise us" Luisa said as she shrugged her shoulders.

Their dad walked in and sat down.

" Hey are u guys ready to meet her?" Emilio said, sounding very excited.

" Yeah, right Lu" Rafael budged her shoulder, to get Luisa to agree but couldn't get Luisa to speak. It looked like she was staring at the door. Slowly Emilio and Rafael both looked at the door. Luisa's mouth dropped as she saw a familiar redhead approach the table.

To be continued.......

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