Luisa I love you never forget that

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Roses POV

I just left hooters with Luisa in my arms. What was she thinking to go off to a bar and drink? She hasn't drank in a while and now she ruined her streak. I know what she did but I just don't know why she thought now was a good time. She clearly had enough to up against me like that in front of her father.What clicked in her to do that, I just have to know. When we got back to the hotel she could barely even stand so I carried her the whole way. Through the lobby to the elevator then up to the room i couldn't help but giggle at what happened last time in this elevator.

" What are you giggling for". Luisa asked.

"Nothing just remembering what happened last time here".

" Well guess what else can happen in here".

" What, are you going to pull off a mask and say you're an evil crime lord or something".

" No that would be crazy but Rose I love you and I've always loved you since I've laid eyes on you and I knew you were the one Rose. I love you and I will never forget that I know you're the one and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up with you and smell your nice rose flower scent. I want to make you breakfast in the morning. I want to hold you and make you feel better when you are sad. I want to hold your hair back when you need to throw up. I want to start a family with you. I want to get married. I need you Rose. I can't live without you. You're the love of my life Rose. When i thought i had lost you it killed me and the only thing i could think about was i never even told you how i felt. I need you to know I love you no matter what. I crave you and to know that you're here for me is more than enough for me. It's the best feeling in the world".

I slowly watched as Luisa tried to get on one knee with tears in my eyes and my heart was pounding but I couldn't help but laugh because Luisa kept stumbling trying to get on one knee. Once she was able, she took a small rose red box out of her pocket and helped it up and opened it.

" Rose Ruvelle will you marry me and I know this is a big commencement and weve only been dating for about one year, but i cant help this feeling i know i love you and i know you love me and ive never felt this way about anyone and please dont mention my dad fuck him he will just have to deal with this, or we will leave because i want my happy ever after and i need it with you Rose will you marry me?"

At this point I had tears in my eyes sobbing. This was beautiful and it couldn't have been another perfect moment in my life but all I need is Luisa and I know that in my gut.

" Wait Rose before you say anything. I'm so sorry but.... HAHAHAHAHA omg you should see your face i'm just kidding you don't have to marry me right now i know im drunk and i want to remember when i ask you to marry me oh my gosh, your face gave it away".


" If you think about it, it really is we have our weirdest moments in this elevator i'm sorry Rose i had to i just remembered when i had sneaked off to buy this ring and i just remembered it was in my pocket".

" Oh my gosh Luisa i hate you".

" I love you tooooo". Luisa said as she held her puppy dog eyes up at Rose with a playful potty face.

" Wait you went ring shopping sober". I said as we tried to make our way out the elevator without Luisa face planting into the ground

" Yes what i said in the elevator was true i just know its a little too early to ask you to marry me but i wanted another memory in there - but i know you might be the only one to remember so you can't tease me about it later i know you love to do that". Luisa then grinned at Rose and she couldn't help but laugh.

" Wow you really don't handle your alcohol well". Rose said as Luisa plopped onto the bed and was soon off to sleep. But Rose couldn't stop thinking about what Luisa had said. And deep down Rose wished Luisa wasn't joking, she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her and start a family. Pretty soon they were both off to sleep with Rose holding Luisa. But they both were unaware of the life changing moment that was minutes away. But having to wake up in the hospital with was not the plan.....

Luisa POV

One hour later

I woke up with a pounding headache had I been drinking? I woke up not knowing why I was but then saw the redhead next to me sleeping. Wait, why is my head still hurting and I hear pounding is someone at the door. I woke Rose up and she was straddle then she went to the door to go open it. She told me to go to the bathroom which was down the hall in our sweet so I did. I took a few pills that were on the counter. After I took a shower with my earbuds in as loud as they could be so I could try to remember what happened. I came out of the bathroom and got my clothes on still with my earbuds in. I was wondering where Rose was last thing i remembered she was going to open up the door. Then it clicked we had come out to my father at hooters and i came back and slept that's all i could remember. I slowly took an ear bud out and walked to the room me and Rose were last at. But something told me to stop in my tracks and just listen and I did . I heard screaming from my father and things breaking. I even heard Rose crying. Oh my gosh Rose is crying so i sneaked around the kitchen which was where Rose was And she was being helped up to the wall by my father. With his hands around her throat.


" Emi...lio j...u..s..t.. list..en to me and do..nt hurt Luisa I beg you". Rose could barely breathe worth to talk. So I kept behind them and grabbed a glass bottle. Then I heard her last words that would haunt me forever.

" Luisa, I love you, never forget that".

And with that i saw her body drop to the floor and i hit my father on the head with the bottle knocking him down. He has passed out. I picked Rose up and ran to the emergency room not stopping. I had been 1 hour Rose was in the hospital so was my father but fuck him the police has questioned me about everything. Next thing I knew I saw a doctor coming up to me.

" LUISA ALVER". The doctor said it was a pretty busy day

" Yes that's me". I never stopped thinking about Roses last words to me. I love you, never forget that. This couldn't be good bye she's the love of my life for god sack our hands are a perfect shape.

With me still thinking about this the doctor brought me to a room

" They are stable but they have major memory loss so if they didn't know you for most of their life they probably won't remember you". The male doctor said as a huge smile rose to my face.

" Why are you smiling when you're happy about that?".

" Yes I am, it's a long story".

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