Their Special Bond💙 (again😉)

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Kartik's POV:-

We were back from VeerYa's house.And for the first time I felt really bored and bad in Sarah's company.It was like she was drown into a thinking mode since we told her everything and I was being really restless for her to talk.Honestly, I've never been this much eager as well as restless, not even to know my exam Results!!😬

Well, shortly we reached home and I saw Maa waiting in the living room, probably for us.As soon as she saw us entering, she stood up from the couch, ready to tell something.

Khushi ::Kartik, where have you been untill now!
Maa asked looking at me.

Kartik : Maa, we had already informed you that we'll go to Veer's house. Then why are you asking it now?
I was really tired for all these things.

Khushi : Oh really! Well, I may remind you my son that in your so called information you said that you'll be going to Veer's house straight during morning and come back.But according to my knowledge, it's going to be evening now.

Sarah : Maa....actually I was not feeling well, due to the workshop and all and Shreya bhabhi insisted me to take rest first and then go.I am really sorry Maa, our phones were in silent mode, that's why we couldn't inform you.

Sarah said all of a sudden. I could see Maa's expressions from being pissed changing to concern.Soon she went into a Concerned mother mode!

Khushi : Arre beta, are you feeling fine now. You need any medicine??...

Maa was pouring questions over questions on Sarah. Finally after confirming that Sarah was all good, she let us go to our room and insisted that we take a good nap after freshening up.

Time skip....

I woke up to the sound of small raindrops with their mere clatterings echoing in my room's balcony.The first rain shower is always a bliss to watch. I looked around and found that Sarah was not in the bed.Maybe she must be in her favorite couch in the balcony. Yeah, that's her favorite place to rest, I know that at least😅.
Well, I went and washed my face giving myself a refreshment. I went to check up on her. I also thought that we could talk a bit sitting there, as she hasn't spoken anything since we returned from VeerYa's house.

I went straight to the balcony expecting her to be in the couch. But she wasn't there and I felt a sadness taking over me.Looks like fate is not on my side today.Really yaar, since the time I told her everything we didn't even have a space to talk. At first it was Maa's phone call, during our journey back she was stubbornly in her thinking avatar, then as I was extremely tired I went into a deep sleep mode and now when I thought we could atleast talk in our usual chatting spot she is not even here.Urghh..🙎‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Thinking all these things I went and sat in the couch. As I had perfectly nothing to do, I thought of enjoying the rain, atleast it was trying to give me a nice company! But my thoughts were disturbed when I saw a hand with a mug was placed in front of me, and I didn't need much time to recognise it as Sarah's😋.I raised my face looking at her standing with two mugs in both hands. I could make out that she was not annoyed at me from her face, and it automatically brought a smile over my face..

Sarah : Kartik are taking this mug or not! Otherwise I am taking it back!!
Maybe I was staring at her and smiling for a long time that she said it and was about to turn and go when I grabbed into her and took the mug from her.

She gave a smile and sat beside me, while sipping into her own. I wanted to ask her about the morning incidents, but don't know how to start..

Sarah : You don't want to know what I think about the morning revelation?
She asked as if reading my mind and I was surprised by that.

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