Chapter 14

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This story is actually shorter than I anticipated. But, it will be ending very, very, soon. I didn’t want to glorify killing in any way, nor did I want to glorify Stockholm Syndrome. It actually ends in the next chapter, and then after that I’ll post an explanation in case anything is unclear. I appreciate each and every one of you, and I am grateful that you’d read this shitty story. I hope this lives up to your standards. :)

Dedication:@Jesserocerous, and @thedeluxehipster

Answer: Peter Pan




He just sat there, looking at me with this intense look that made me feel like he could see my very soul. I didn’t feel it like it was pleasurable, but at the same time I didn’t fidget under the scrutinizing gaze. I wasn’t nervous around him; I didn’t feel like I was walking on eggshells. He took people to help them, there was no way he was scarier than me. But his judgment did scare me. Somewhere along the lines I had grown kind of fond for this man, he had me like putty in his hands. He was the one that would save me, so how would he save me if he hated me?

It felt like ages, decades and decades, before he finally did something. All he did was nod. He nodded. Like I told him my favorite color was green or something. Who the hell does that? Just nods when a famous killer admits their identity to them? Apparently Zayn: wholesome Zayn, with the perfect face and the good intentioned kidnapping to save someone.

“I know, but I plan on saving you. Saving you from yourself.” He whispered, and all I could do was nod. I was in awe, in complete and utter shock. Who was this guy, and how the hell was I lucky enough to get taken by him. In this short time I had known him, I had fallen for him and I had fallen fairly quickly. I was barreling to the bottom and I wasn’t sure if he would catch me.

The background noise was gone, and now we sat in silence just looking at each other. That was, until Harry had burst through the door. He had a cheeky smile on his face, and Zayn had an annoyed look on his face. It wasn’t like we were actually doing anything but staring at each other. Harry then smirked at Zayn, who then got a determined look on his face. I glanced at him curiously, but I didn’t have much time to look because next thing I know his fucking soft lips were on mine with a sense of urgency. I had no qualms about it, and decided to kiss back rather than look like an idiot just sitting there as this god-like man kissed me.

It all happened so fast.

One second, it was just an innocent kiss. Lips moving lovingly, but urgently: His plump lips against mine, his arms around my waist and mine around his neck; lips moving slowly, like a tango. Then his tongue was in my mouth and mine was in his, battling for dominance in a sloppy wrestling match. And then it was over. Zayn looked content, but there was an underlying emotion of sadness in his eyes and I wanted to kill whoever made him sad. I turned to Harry who had a sad smile on his face, looking between the two of us. All I thought was ‘What the hell am I missing?’

I should have known that nothing is ever this easy; nothing is ever this perfect- not when it came to me anyways.

There is always something.

I should have noticed the looks, the glances and quiet conversations. I should have noticed the glares sent Harry’s way, the way that they had been distant since the kiss happened. I didn’t think anything of it; pegging it on jealousy: I thought that Harry was afraid I would take his best friend, or maybe they were more. Maybe that was what set it all off.

I was an idiot.

It all happened at 4:03- a time that will always be with me- there was a knock on the door. I was in Zayn’s room, but he wasn’t there with me. There was a louder knock, and then Zayn was rushing into the room with a guilty and panicked expression. Maybe he had been caught. But then he was apologizing, holding my face and peppering it with kisses muttering apologies under his breath and I was so confused. I couldn’t focus on what was going on, couldn’t focus on what he was saying. I heard bits and pieces, and I was trying to put them together. “Sorry- own good- only way- god- sorry- Harry’s- I love you- don’t- hate- sorry.” It was all too much, all too quick. I couldn’t handle it. The world was spinning and I didn’t know when it started.

And then the door burst open, and I saw Zayn’s face. Tears streaming down tan cheeks, eyes red and puffy, mouth moving but I heard nothing.

And then I was on the ground, a heavy weight on my back, my hands crossed and restricted behind me. It all clicked. Shouts filled the room and my senses were back. Zayn standing against the wall, hand over his mouth as sobs wracked his body. Harry, standing next to him, eyes cast downward, teeth holding his bottom lip firmly. Police yelling, a voice speaking in my ear about my rights, gun to my back, my head was pounding, there was a little bit of blood on Zayn’s white carpet.

How would he get that out?

Then I was being yanked up, knees burning at the sensation of being rubbed on the carpet. I stumbled, tripped, my knee throbbing in pain. I clenched my teeth, willing the pain to go away. I wasn’t sure which pain I was asking for. Zayn was yelling in the background, I chanced a look back to see him fighting against police officers. He was begging them to not hurt me.

It was ironic, because he shattered me.

I was led down the stairs, not once stopping with each hiss that escaped my lips. An elbow to my stomach and I was on the ground, the stairs behind me, the police men helping me four steps up. My face hurt, more blood escaping my face, my shoulder burning with the impact of the ground. And then I was up again and outside, falling face first against the small rocks and twigs littering the ground. More cuts on my face, a rock in my stomach, a stick in my thigh. I was hoisted up, resting on my knees. Wrist burning, but then they’re free and I’m hit again.

Kicks, punches, smacks thrown at me, the pain almost unbearable. Screams filled the area, begging them to stop but more voices encouraged, begged to continue.

Happiness is in the eyes of the beholder.

I would never be happy.

There was a loud bang, a searing pain, and then darkness.


Well, there you go! I hope it was good enough. The next chapter is the last chapter. I felt like it would be a good ending.

What did you think about this chapter?

What will happen to Niall? To Zayn? Harry?

Where are Liam and Louis going to come into the situation?

Is Niall going to die?

What role do Zayn and Harry really play?

Is it good intentions or something else?

Was this Zayn’s way of saving Niall, or was it something else completely?


25 votes and comments for the final chapter?

Xx Val

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