Chapter 1: Her Birthday 🥳

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Serene's P. O. V.

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Click click

The sky is as gorgeous as always in Cali with a few clouds sprinkled around, and the sun is beaming down on my back. The feeling of wet sand in between my toes and water splashing around my ankles is soothing. The photography session that the couple booked for their candid photo shoot is almost over. Just a few more shots and we will be done.

I glance at my phone to check the time. My phone  dings with a notification from the group chat.

Group Chat Name: Ladies and the Tramps

Jericho: Serene r u almost done 📸?

Me: yeah almost done.

Nevaeh: babes we're waiting on you 😄

Me: gimme 30 more min to wrap this up then i'll be omw.

Zoë: we don't wanna start without you 😊

Zion: but we will if we have to 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jericho: hope to see u soon

Me: 👌🏽 guys.

I look down at my LCD screen to get a quick look through of the pictures. This final shot was amazing. The couple embrace each other, go in for a kiss and a ginormous wave rises behind them just as I snap the last shot of their session. The wave then crashes once the two pull apart.

 The wave then crashes once the two pull apart

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"Okay that was beautiful guys. Absolutely lovely. You guys were naturals." I smiled at the couple as they came out of the water. Ready to go ,but being nice to clients does pay off.

"Thank you." The woman said. The man grabbed a towel and handed it to her to dry off first.

"We really appreciate you doing this for us last minute."

"Oh, it really wasn't a problem." I turn to them to shake their hands.

"When will we be able to see the results?" the male client asked.

"Mmm. A week from now. So this coming Friday. Since I have more clientele waiting."

"Okay, sounds great." The couple grabbed their surfboard, packing up the rest of their belongings.

"Take care. I will update you across the week." I finish packing up my camera equipment and hop in my car.

I crank up my car and let it warm up. My phone dings again. It's Jericho.

Jericho: I know you're done with your shoot by now at least.

Me: Yeah I am Jay. What's up bc Ik you  have something to say.

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