Chapter 5: A Song For Her❤️📝/Good Times With the Besties😛

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Jericho's P. O. V.

Frustrated, I ball up another piece of sheet music, chucking it in the trash. I pick up my guitar and make a chord.

I turn to another page jotting down the words that come to my mind.

Every time I see you

You make me smile (smile)

Got my heart beating for miles and miles (yeah yeah)

You make me feel

Like I'm in love

La la la la la love

"I'm gonna title this song Make Me Feel." Jericho smiles to himself.

I finish scribbling the last of what came to me just as Serene walks through the door.

"Hey Jaaayyyy!" She screams as she comes in she drops her bag to hug my neck.

I wrap my arm around her waist mumbling a hey back in her hair and I pull her to my side.

"How's your day been so far?" I am as she pulls back to look at me.

"Good actually. I talked to my folks and they asked about you on my way over here." She rolls her eyes.

"What'd they wanna know?" I pull her to where she stands in between my legs.

"Oh you know how you were doing career wise and if you had someone special yet." She rolls her eyes teasing me.

"I do have someone special in my life" I look up at the ceiling in a contemplating way.

"And who would that be?" She smirks in my face?

"Some girl I met at the park we used to go to." I pretend to think back.

"What does she look like?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"Well she has long jet black coily hair, pretty brown eyes that I can get lost in and a nice plump a--"


"Ouch woman what was that for?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck.

"You're talking about some ole hussie. That's why." She mumbles, turning her back to me.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I was talking about you." I pull her round to face me. Thriving from her attention.
She turns around scrunching her face up at me while sticking her tongue out at me. I open my mouth to say something else but she runs her hands through my hair. I groan and pull her closer.

"Go somewhere else with that cutesy shit you guys." Zion comments.

Serene jumps in my arms and looks over at him. Relieved that it's Zion she rolls her eyes at him and nudges her head in the crook of my neck.

The rest of the guys come back in and we rehearse for a few more hours until we collectively decide to end today's rehearsal.

Zion, Serene, and I decide to head over to my place and hang for the rest of the day. Once we make it to my apartment I pull out ground turkey, seasoning, tomato sauce and the rest of the ingredients to make spaghetti. Rene comes in and asks to assist me with anything. I tell her to help me out with making the meatballs. She says she'll be on her way as she types away on her phone. Knowing her she's probably texting Zoë to come over.

"Hey Zion, get your lazy butt up and put together the salad." I say over my shoulder.

"Alright Jay don't get your dick in a knot.Oh by the way my sister is coming over as well. " He says getting up from the couch.

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