Chapter 4: Just a Little Fun😜 💦🔫

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Serene's P. O. V.

After stopping to get something to eat and filling up at the gas station Jay and I finally turn in his brother's driveway. We get out of the car. I grab the three boxes of pizza and Jericho grabs the breadsticks and dessert. I walk to the door and ring the doorbell.

I hear it's open and Jericho opens the door and lets me in first.

Sliding off my sandals, I'm greeted by DeShaun first. He takes the pizza from me and gives me a side hug with a kiss on my forehead.

"You been aight?" He asks me.

"Yeah. Been booked and busy so I can't complain."

"I heard that. Hey lemme talk to you later about something. Okay?"

"Aight. I got you." I said nodding my head.

I make my way to their living room to sit on the couch. I look around to see that they've changed a lot of their home decor.

"Girl I missed you!" Dianna squeals and crushes me with a bone crushing hug from.

"When are you gonna give me another baby to gush over?" I ask, pulling away from the hug.

"Babygirl you gon' have to make your own." She laughs and answers in her soft and sweet southern accent.

"Oh c'mon you've done it twice already."

"I know I did. Which reminds me. Y'all it's time to eat." She yells upstairs, "Delilah and Davion y'all come downstairs in it's time to eat babies!"

I can hear the pitter patter of their feet as they come down the stairs. Delilah is the first one to come running to me.

"Hi, Serene I missed you!"  She runs straight into me and wraps her arms around my legs.

"I miss you too love bug." I pick her up and place her on my hip.

Davion stands there with a smile on his face.

"Wassup lil man. Looks like you've grown since Christmas." I dap him up and kiss him on his cheek.

"Eew Ser. No kisses you might have cooties!" Davion exclaims and wipes his face.

I laugh and throw him up in the air. Making him laugh and throw his little arms around my neck as he came back down from the short trip to the ceiling. Jericho comes back into the kitchen with Delilah sitting on top of his shoulders. Diana brings out the drinks and juices for the kids, styrofoam plates, cups, and the pizza cutter. The food is dished out,  beverages are poured up, and the kids are served first and everyone else follows.

After the meal, the kids wanted to play outside. Jay and I go out to watch them then annulled their parents clean up where we are. I sit down on the rocking swing on the back and porch. Jericho joins me and rocks us back and forth on the swing.

Getting comfortable I lean into Jay's side as he wraps his arm around me.

"This is nice yeah?" Jericho asked, rubbing my arm.

I hum in response. As we continue to watch Davion and Delilah build a sand castle in the sand box while Davion is  aiming at anything with his NERF water gun in his own little world. Jericho starts telling me about his new song that he's been working on and all of a sudden we hear an ear piercing sound.

"SEREEENNE help me please! Davion is destroying my kingdom!"

I'm up faster than my feet can carry me. I pick her up to check for any cuts, scrapes, or bumps. I put her down once I see that she's not physically hurt.

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