Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 1

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(This is a sidestory, taking place after the church scene in book 2. It follows Alex as he searches for a missing girl. Enjoy and have a great midsummer! Yeah, I know that only we swedes celebrate it but still!)

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Look, son. This is what true power looks like."

Alex's eyes opened in a wince of horror. His body covered in sweat and heart racing. How long had he avoided to think back on those days? His father's victim staring at him, horrified and begging a child for help. He should have helped them. He didn't.

With a grimace, Alex got up. Careful not to wake Blake who was drooling heavily on his pillow, cuddling his little rabbit. Nights were always the hardest, bad dreams haunted him every night, it left him tired during the day.

Putting on some clothes, Alex snuck out. The nights were still cold though they had started to warm up as summer closed in. He preferred it warmer, but the cold did not bother him. Without daring to look back, afraid of what he would see if he did, Alex ran. His heart beating in his throat as he ran through the forest. The wind whipping in his face and eyes darting over the dark forest, taking in every movement. Every sound.

His Asian golden cat purred, enjoying the nightly runs he always did to chase away bad dreams, or maybe running away from them was more accurate. Each step he took ensured that he was further and further away from the face where he saw his own.

His cat let out a low growl, Alex could feel his aggression rising. Someone was following him. His tongue licked his fangs, now growing along with his claws, ready to attack the intruder.

He heard the footsteps coming closer, his pursuer was fast. Closing in with relentless precision. A grin came to Alex's face and he ran straight towards a tree as he felt his pursuer panting on his neck. Going entirely on instinct, Alex ran up the tree and then took a dive backward landing behind his pursuer who now had become the prey.

With ferocious force, Alex slammed the pursuer's short, but sturdy built, into the tree. With a low growl, trembling in his throat, he flashed his fangs to his pursuer whose eyes went from glowing yellow to brown in an instant. With a smirk, his pursuer lifted his hands and cocked an eyebrow.

"Why must you always be on top?" said his pursuer with a voice heavy with a french accent. Sexy, and very much familiar.

Alex leaned in and licked Hadrien's lips, giving him an alluring smile. He loved the taste of the French boy and he knew that he was purring. "You didn't have any complains last time."

"It was either that or get my back scratched again," Hadrien said and twisted around as he could still feel the scratch. Alex cocked an eyebrow.

"Are you saying that you disliked it?"

Hadrien snorted,"Non, Chaton. I'm saying I like to switch it up while my back is healing."

Alex could feel his heart beating faster and the lower part of him reacting. This lad's smirk sent a shiver down his spine, and his smell turned him into shambles. Alex knew that he shouldn't have done it. Even back then. He saw his downfall in those eyes but still continued on.

"Well, common sense was never my strong suit," thought Alex and let Hadrien go. With reluctance, he must add for he really liked having his hands on Hadrien's body. His cat was not very happy either with the distance and growled in his mind. Pushing the horny cat aside, Alex took a few deep breaths to get himself under control and forced his eyes away from Hadrien's very delicious abs.

"Now, what are you doing here?" Alex said, thanking his very dead ancestors that his voice was calm and cool. No need to put his need to curl up to the French boy and cuddle on display.

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