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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
“𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩”

* 𝐒𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 *

As soon as the cheer squad arrived to cheer camp, several squeals of excitement could be heard on the bus. I, along with Addison and Bree, was now chatting with some of the team members outside the bus.

As soon as I realized it, we were all running in the direction of the house we were going to stay in for the week. I smiled at the sight in front of me, being followed by Bree. It was our first cheer camp after all.

Being there still felt like a dream to me, but the cheers around me reminded me that it was all real. A couple of minutes later, we all gathered in front of the house, waiting for Bucky, the cheer captain, to choose the teams.

I was talking to one of the cheerleaders when a sudden whistle is heard. The crowd dispersed, making way for Bucky to pass by showing his athletic skills.

I just rolled my eyes with the sight. Bucky was so self-absorbed that it sometimes made me sick to be around him. He was also my ex-boyfriend, but we broke up when I moved out of town. And since I moved back in Seabrook, he seems to be kind of obsessed with me.

The rest of the cheerleaders screamed in appreciation, while I kept quiet. A few minutes later, the said boy motioned for everyone to shut up.

"You've all heard the stories of blood-thirsty monsters who roam this woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders.", he started.

Once he finished saying that sentence, the Aceys jumped out from behind Bree and Bonzo, who got scared and almost jumped on each other. The girl led out an embarrassed laugh while the others were laughing as well. Cute.

"Well, those stories are just silly believes, but you better believe we're gonna break you down and build you back up in a happy little cheer machine like Lacey, Stacey and our most recent Acey, Jacey.", he continued, introducing the Aceys, who went in his direction as he said their names. When it was Jacey's turn, he turned to Bucky and introduced himself.

"I'm Kevin.", the boy said. Seeing the angry look that Bucky gave him, he quickly corrected himself. "Right, we changed my name to Jacey, which I love by the way. Hum...". He went over to Lacey and Stacey over the captain's watchful eyes, which clearly showed his disappointment.

"Long live the Aceys!", my ex-boyfriend screamed. I directed my look to Lacey and Stacey, who were really embarrassed by Jacey's attitude but disguised it with a smile. Everyone started to applaud them after Bucky's statement, and this time I joined the crowd of cheers and applauses.

"You three lead the veterans, you're the A-team. Addison, Bree and Sophie, you take the newbies, you're the.. Uh... You're the Z-team.".

I felt my blood boil with the irony and disdain present in his voice, but I realized that ignoring him was the best option. Besides, it was my opportunity to make the Zombies stand out. I was going to do everything for the Z-team to win.

The Aceys distributed the team vests and I exchanged a determined look with my white-haired friend. We would show Bucky a lesson he would never forget: never mess with the zombies.

"Zombies, this is obviously your first cheer camp. Now, I'm not anti-change, I'm just... Pro keeping things the way they are because you don't mess with success.", Bucky did jazz hands as he said the last part and I was suddenly disgusted.

"This week, the veterans and the newbies will compete for the cheer camp cup to see who is more cheertastic", I felt my face light up. "The veterans have always won the cheer camp cup. Right Aceys?", he underlined the word always.

𝙬𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙨 - Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now