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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏
"𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞"

The wolves looked in Addison's direction. They all had the same doubt in mind, but no one dared to comment. Except, of course, the alpha. "If you really are one." Willa stated.

Addison took the small wooden box from her pocket. It had been handed over to her by Willa when Sophie was still unconscious. She opened it, excitement and anxiety running through her veins.

But all that came out of her mouth was a loud gasp when she realized the interior was empty. "It's gone." She announced. Her body started to tremble as panic reached her. She had lost one of the most precious werewolf artefacts.

"You lost it?" Wynter and Sophie asked in unison, sharing a worried look.

Addison felt she could explode at any moment. Mixed feelings hit her as she looked at the wolves's expressions.

She was confused by not knowing how she had lost her moonstone necklace. She was disappointed at herself for losing something so important.

But mostly, she felt ashamed. She had a single responsability and was unable to fulfill it.

Willa was the first to break that distressing silence. "Do you know how precious a moonstone necklace is?" She asked Addison.

Without waiting for an answer, she turned to her pack. "If she was serious about being a wolf, if she was the Great Alpha, she wouldn't have been so careless."

"No, I don't know how." Addison tried to explain, but she only stumbled over her words. She didn't know how to explain that it wasn't her fault, mainly because it was her fault.

"Stay out of our amazing hair." Willa pronounced, before walking out of the room. One by one, the wolves silently followed her.

"I'm sorry, Addy." Sophie glanced at her friend before walking away with her pack, leaving a broken Addison behind.


(A/N: I'm not going to cover "I'm Winning" because, honestly, I'm not a major fan of the song. So I'm just jumping to the part where Zed zombies out.)

Everyone, except the wolves and Addison, was reunited at the gym. Zed and Bucky were debating in order to gain votes to be school president.

At first, Bucky was clearly winning. However, as Zed came up with the reasons that led him to be the ideal candidate, the vast majority of the crowd began to root for him.

"Zed for prez! Vote for me because I swear I'm not a monster!" Zed cheered as he kept the paper with his speech in the inner pocket of his coat.

As soon as he put it in his pocket, Addison's moonstone necklace - that he had discreetly stolen from her earlier while she wasn't looking - made contact with his Z-Band, making it go haywire.

His veins darkened to a strong color of scarlet as he roared, trying to control himself. Around him, zombies and humans fled in fright. The only ones who had stayed close to him were Eliza and Bucky.

"Oh no. Addison's necklace shut down your Z-Band, Zed." Eliza said, a look of worry in her face.

Bucky took the opportunity to turn the election to his favor. "See? He's a monster!" He stated while everyone ran away, panicked.

𝙬𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙨 - Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now