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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒
“𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡”

I was sitting in my dining table, facing my father's serious expression. His gaze was on me, his eyes carrying nothing more nothing less than seriousness.

I thought he was going to yell at me or try to isolate me from who I really was - but I wasn't expecting what came next. His serious face dissolved to make way for a warm smile that reached his lips.

"I'm proud of you, Soph. You finally found the truth about who you really are. Your mother would be proud, too." He said as that beautiful smile that played on his mouth disappeared as quickly as it appeared and his eyes clouded with what appeared to be guilt.

"I should've told you sooner. I'm sorry." He admitted, his look now focusing on the tiles of the floor.

"It's okay. You were trying to protect me, dad. I'm not angry. I understand." I said, a bright smile forming on my lips.

Now, I guess you might have a few questions like 'weren't we at Prawn?'. The truth is, prawn happened three days ago - and it was pretty amazing.

Wynter, Willa, Wyatt and I had the best time. We danced, we laughed and for a quick second, we could actually forget about all our problems.

The moonstone is still nowhere to be found. Addison and Zed finally got back together at Prawn and they even made it to the Prawn Wall Of Fame as the first zombie-human couple.

As you may have seen before, me and Zed are on good terms again too. We sorted out our differences and he finally accepted the fact that I was now a werewolf, part of something great - part of a pack.

Wynter and I have become really close over the past few days as we took care of the sickest wolves. Willa is still warming up to me, but she seems to be trusting me more lately.

About Wyatt and I, it's another story. After the other night under the stars, we've been talking a lot more. He's teaching me all about being a werewolf. We shared a few kisses during prawn, but I still don't know where our relationship is going.

"You've got to choose, darling. I mean, between living like a werewolf or living like a normal human like before." My father said, his voice low. I knew that deep down he was afraid that if I chose to live as my inner werewolf, he would lose me.

I put my hand on top of his, which until then rested on the wooden table on the center of the dining room of our old house, trying to reassure him.

"I already made my decision, dad. I'm moving to the den tomorrow. But this isn't a goodbye. I'll hop in all the time." I said, smiling sadly. We both knew that the wolf situation wasn't pretty and I could not even survive.

"Everything is gonna be alright." I whispered as I stood up and walked towards my father's warm embrace, hugging him tightly.


I sat on my bed, a big silver chest resting on my lap. At the top, the word 'Willow' was written in shiny colors. I looked at it hesitantly before finally gaining the courage to open it for the first time since my mother died.

Inside was a bunch of stuff. There were some frames with pictures of two werewolves. One of them, the woman, carried a baby.

I smiled at the sight of my mother carrying me, her face showing nothing but love and affection. The other one, the man, I presumed to be William, the father of my two favorite twins.

My eyes were drawn to a notebook at the bottom of the chest. The notebook looked old, its black cover was too dusty. I ran my hand over the cover, brushing the dust away.

In the center, in large, yellow letters, the words 'Wren's Diary' were written in a delicate handwriting. My eyes widened as I realized what it was about. It was my grandmother's diary.

Taking a deep breath, I placed the diary in my bag. I had the feeling it was, somehow, important. But I couldn't deal with it, not now - there was still a lot to pack.


A few days passed since I moved into the wolf den. I'm sitting beside William, showing him the framed pictures of him and my mom at their young age that I had brought with me.

He couldn't quite talk - he was very sick. As the alpha, his necklace was one of the first ones to lose its power. But he squeezed my hand anyway, it being the only signal he was listening.

I felt strong arms wrapped around my neck and my smile grew wilder. It was Wyatt, of course.

"Hi dad, hi Soph." He said, trying not to disturb the other sick wolves. I turned around, facing him with a smile.

"What are you doing here? I though you were helping Wynter taking care of the werepups. Are you running from your duties?" You ask in a playful tone. He pouted slightly, but after a few seconds he bursted out laughing.

"Yeah, Willa took my place for a few minutes. I just came to see how you're doing." He said, the corners of his mouth lifting up.

"I'm doing fine. Speaking of Willa, did she analyze my grandmother's diary yet?" You ask, hope echoing through your voice. You had a feeling that diary might be the answer you all were looking for.

"Not yet. But when she does, she's going to talk to you about it, doing worry." He says, squeezing your shoulders gently. You nod slowly, smiling as you watch him leave, your attention returning to his father once more.


"Soph! Soph!" Willa shouted, entering the main room, where I was watching the werepups sleeping, with an energy I didn't know she had.

"Calm down, you'll wake them. What's going on?" You asked as she got closer to you, holding your grandmother's diary in her hands.

"I found something. You'll want to hear this, I promise." She said, gesturing me to follow her to her room.

Once we got there, she made me sit on her bed. "What's it, then? Tell me already." I say, pouting.

"I found out why Addison is not the Great Alpha." She announced as I waited for her to continue.

"The truth is the real Great Alpha lived disguised between the humans. The real Great Alpha was... She was your grandmother, Sophie. Wren was the Great Alpha." Willa blurt out as I looked at her, confused.

"How? How did the werewolves never knew about it?" I asked, tilting my head to the side in confusion. It was all so difficult to process that I felt my brain would explode.

"She didn't know it herself until she was much older. So she left this diary to your mother. It doesn't say where the moonstone is, but I believe you are the answer." She said as I looked at her, serious.

"If that's true, then I'm the key to find the moonstone. We'll find it, Willa. We have to." I say confidently as I look at the alpha, determined like never before.

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