Trust Me

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Hello again!!!

This chapter is dedicated to @CrazyEchelon4 for being my first commenter on my last chapter!

I will choose another commenter to dedicate my next chapter to so make sure you comment!


Frank's POV

I woke up the next morning to discover that Madi had gone. I got out of the bunk and walked into the kitchen area. I saw her sat at the table looking at her phone. I went to turn away but then I noticed she was crying.

'Madi what's wrong?' I asked sitting next to her.

'Oh nothing,' she mumbled.

'Come on sweetie, you can tell me anything.' I replied wiping some tears away.

'Really?' she asked looking up into my eyes.

Her bright blue eyes made my heart skip a beat. It took me everything I had to not kiss her.

'Really,' I smiled.

'Okay' she said looking down at her phone again, 'well basically there's these three girls at this school I go--went to and they've bullied me for over four years.'

'Madi that's terrible,' I whispered, you're such a kind, beautiful, amazing girl. You don't deserve that.'

She looked back up at me again and this time I couldn't resist. I lent forward and missed her. At first she froze and I went to pull away thinking she didn't want it but then she leaned in and kissed me more passionately. I licked her bottom lip begging for an entrance and she opened her mouth immediately. She moaned quietly as I explored her mouth with my tongue, I nibbled a little on bet lip and she moaned a little louder. As much as I hated to, I was out if breath so I had to pull away.

We stared into each others eyes for a while before I broke the silence.

'I meant what I said Madi, you're beautiful, amazing and better than those girls. I understand if it's a little soon after everything that's happened but will you be my girlfriend?' I breathed.

'Yes.' Madi breathed back.

This time Madi started it and I didn't resist as she leaned forwards and connected our lips.

I heard someone clear their throat and we broke apart. I looked up and saw Gerard stood on the doorway. Madi blushed and looked down.

'Please don't do that Madi,' I said to her.

'Do what?' she asked looking at me again.

'Look down,' I smiled, 'Your eyes are too beautiful to hide.'

She blushed again but didn't look down.

'Are you two a thing now?' Gerard asked.

'No Gee, we are not a 'thing',' I replied, 'as of this morning, Madi and I are officially girlfriend and boyfriend.' I smiled as I said the last part.

'Good for you mate,' Mikey said.

I looked towards him and saw him, Ray, Bob and Bryan stood there. They all looked at each other and simultaneously broke into a girly 'awwwwww.'

'Alright girls,' I joked, shaking by head, 'shut it.'

They laughed and went to do their separate things.

Mikey went to get coffee.

Bob went back to the bunks.

Ray went to shower.

Bryan went to do whatever a manager of a band does.

'Frank can I have a quick word?' Gee asked.

I nodded and we left the room.

'I don't distrust you or anything and I know it's not my place to say anything but PLEASE take good care of Madi. She's had a tough life with Beth and Eric and she deserves some love right now.' Gee said seriously.

I nodded and smiled.

'You do love her right?' he asked.

'You know what Gee?' I grinned, 'I do, I so fucking do. I love we so much I can't describe it.'

'Thats amazing Frank. You should take her on a date or something!'

'I have an idea of what!'

'Thats good. Let's go back now'

I walked back into the kitchen with Gee and sat back down next to Madi. I wrapped my arm round her waist and pulled her close. I noticed that she was looking at her phone again.

She was on Facebook. Her messages were open and I, being the nosey person I am, read them.

'Lilly Phillips: Ur such a slut Madi, dunt com bk 2 skl, no1 wnts u here, we all wnt u ded. So do us all a favor nd try 2 kil urself agen. Emo bitch.'

I couldn't believe what I was reading, how could anyone say that? Madi is one of the nicest people I know, how could anyone tell her to kill herself. No one should ever be told that! And emo? It means emotionally unstable, she may be because of what's going on but this Lilly has no right to use it as an insult!! I re-read the message and took it in properly. Try to kill herself again? Does this mean..?

'Madi can we talk in private please?' I asked.

'Sure,' she nodded, standing up.

We walked into the bunk area and sat down.

'Okay,' I began, 'there's no nice way to say this so I'm just going to say it, show me your wrists.'


Madi's POV

'...there's no nice way to say this so this so I'm just going to say it, show me your wrists'

I forgot how to breath for a second. My wrists? Why? I hadn't cut for months, until two nights ago. I had a bandage on it but the blood seeped through. I looked down, ashamed.

'Please Madi,' he pleaded, 'I understand, I truly do'

'I will,' I whispered, 'I'm just so sorry.'

I pulled up my sleeve and showed him my wrist, a red bandage with blood seeping out the sides. He slowly and carefully unrapped it and when he was done he fell to his knees, a tear streaking down his perfect face.


Hai guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry that's it's short:(

Madi+Frank=<3 ooh la la!!

Yeah so anywaaaaay! I won't update until I get 2 comments and 2 votes! It may seem selfish but if you write your own stories or poems then you'll understand!!

((Thanks for reading this far. You win a cupcake))

I started a new story called Laced, I used entirely my invagination and made everything up so I'd appreciate it if you read it then tell me what you think!! It's my favourite story to write and I already have an idea for a sequel even though I've only written one chapter!! Haha.

((if you see this comment 'this is the best story ever, Frankie is hot' everyone that does will get mentioned in my next chapter!!))


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