「Would've Been Silly」

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"You can't kill it with that," Urokodaki told Tanjiro.

"Th-then how do you kill it?" Tanjiro asked.

"Don't ask me, can't you use your head to figure that out?"

Tanjiro turning back the demon, he picked up a large rock and continued to stare at it. Urokodaki gestured at Hiroyuki to follow him while Tanjiro pondered the solution to killing the demon.

"Urokodaki-san... you're thinking he's never going to make it, with sympathy like that... right?" Hiroyuki asked slowly.

"............Ah. But I'll refine that," Urokodaki replied




He's fast! Just how old is he anyway?! And like earlier, I'm not hearing any footsteps at all! Tanjiro thought as Urokodaki ran ways ahead of him, with Hiroyuki following close behind and not emitting any sounds in his footsteps either.

Finally arriving at the bottom of Mt. Sagiri, Tanjiro put his hands on his knees and breathed heavily. "Have I.... passed the test yet?" he panted.

Hiroyuki snorted. Are you serious? he laughed in his head.

"We are going to climb a mountain," Urokodaki simply said. Tanjiro let out an exasperated cry and Hiroyuki gave him a knowing smile.


"T-Tanjiro!" Hiroyuki looked back. "Are you okay?" Hiroyuki stood over Tanjiro who's face was shook with surprise as he laid in a pit.

Tanjiro's face lit up with realization. "So there are traps around, huh?"

"You just realized that? What kind of test would it be then?" Hiroyuki muttered.

Tanjiro crawled out of the pit and stood up. He controlled his breathing and sniffed the air, detecting the slightest difference of scents in the air. "Alright, I think I got it now! Let's do this!" Tanjiro exclaimed motivationally. He looked around and saw that Hiroyuki was already ahead of him. "A-Ah, wait for me Hiroyuki!"

His friend sniggered. "Urokodaki-San said he won't wait, remember? Hurry up~" Hiroyuki waved a hand back at Tanjiro.


Walking with the Water Hashira into the Butterfly Mansion to get a broken arm treated, Hayami saw the Wind Hashira stroll out of her master's office, probably to get some scars bandaged. Instinctively, she moved on the other side of Giyu, not wanting to interact with the hot-tempered swordsman. Shinazugawa Sanemi spotted the girl with her mask on, unfortunately, and pointed at her with his usual angry expression on his face. "Your Kocho's new Tsuguko? What's with that mask?" he growled.

"I wouldn't say 'new', Shinazugawa-san. I've been here for quite a while already, you've probably just never bumped into me like this," Hayami sighed. She gestured to Shinobu's office. "You can go on in, Giyu-san, I suspect that I'll be having a long conversation with Shinzugawa-san here."

"So you can bite my ass back huh? Spar me, mutt," Sanemi provoked, making a nickname out of nowhere based on her mask.

"If that's what a Pillar wants, then I'll take the challenge," Hayami replied, with her gold eyes glinting behind her mask. She turned away to lead him to the dojo just as Shinobu said threateningly from her office, "Oh my, looks like the Water Hashira has gotten into a pinch again~! You really can't live without me, can you? You sure are a handful~"

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