Chapter 1

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''I cannot believe you're thinking of spending the night with her.'' My agitated voice filled up the New Troney airport as Gulf Kanawut, my bestfriend gave me the worst news. He said he was going to spend the rest of the night with his girlfriend, Mandy and it infuriated me.

It was a very special day for us because Alexis, our bestfriend was coming back after six long years. It felt like millions of years ago when we bade our bitter goodbye but our friendship still survived. Like she had promised, she wrote to us every weekend, sent us post cards and we kept connected through e-mails and the rest of the social networking sites. Hence, It was like she never left, somehow.

I know Gulf, Alexis and I were supposed to be best friends and we had indeed proven our strong bonding over the past six years.

I was now a fine eighteen year old, starting my college degree while Gulf and Alexis enjoyed being seventeen. The three of us literally shared everything we could and still clicked in together.

Yet again, no matter how much we tried to pretend, there was no denial that, a lot had changed in the past six years and I know that there were lots of things Alexis had not shared with us while Gulf and I kept our own little secrets too.

However, leaving that aside, we were all excited to meet each other and refresh those old memories again.

I was excited about meeting Alexis but a part of me wondered how to embrace the overwhelming situation.

I have indeed spent time skyping with her but it did not meant I know her personally. She had grown into such a beautiful lady and I doubted what if she had became too good for me like Gulf had.

Gulf, although was my bestfriend,  sometimes I felt as though he was taking me for granted. I did not know when he grew fond of football and graduated highschool as the team captain. But everyone talked about how great of a good player he was and it made girls swarm around him, including Mandy. And I hated him because among all the girls that went crazy over him, he chose Mandy: the girl who was indirectly responsible for breaking our friends apart.

Mandy's father broke Alexis apart and I could never forgive the Hillsons for that. But worse, Mandy was the girl who took Gulf away from me in our junior prom and unfortunately, I had to spend the night alone because I was very single and did not get along well with the rest of my classmates.

At some point, Gulf didn't even feel like a friend for he became more like, someone I used to know.  It only became more evident when he seem to care less about the fact that our long lost bestfriend was coming after six years and he had a date with Mandy.

Above all, he did not consider how Alexis would feel after finding out that one of her best friend had been secretly dating her arch nemesis, Mandy.

It definitely would hurt her sentiments, I feared. Was six years enough to forget what happened? I doubted and hence I was disappointed with Gulf's inconsiderate behavior.

He looked at me slyly as we sat on an empty bench on the airport waiting for Alexis plane to land which got me more annoyed.  ''Seriously Gulf, it's not fair to Alexis'' I continued my irritation against him still refusing to give a head nod to his date with Mandy the night later, ''It's like you don't care about us anymore.''

''Ah, enough, Mew! Why do you think I am here listening to your whinings if I don't care?'' he replied firmly putting his front hair up and down.

''Why do you have to make plans with Mandy tonight...atleast not tonight. For sure, that says a lot about you, Gulfie".

''You know you've been saying this for hours. Can you please stop?'' Gulf said, frustrated.

''I seriously don't like her. I seriously don't want you to be with her. "

''You don't like anybody. And you don't like any girls I date. ''

''That's not true. I'm just saying you can do better.''

''Really, then tell me the name of the girl whom I deserve.'' He snapped harshly but I could tell he was not mad at me for real.  It was how, Gulf and I had always been eversince his popularity expanded. It was no lie that Gulf was really good looking and I did not blame the girls for liking him but I felt as though I did not belong there with him.

''All these years, you've been rejecting all the girls I was with.'' He said messing his  short black hair with his hands.

''That's because they are not good.''

''Then who exactly is good? You?'' He locked his eyes with mine, looking utterly frustrated but cooled down the moment we met our eyes.

I stared at him hating the way he had grown too good to be with me and quicky landed my eyes on the floor.

''I'm sorry.'' He solemnly said and put his hands around my shoulder and patted on it, '' I promise, it's you and Alexis before anyone.'' Said he, after a long sigh.

Feeling the seriousness in his voice, I decided to persuade him to change his  mind again, because I really wanted to spend the night with him and Alexis together.

''So, you'll cancel the date?'' I grinned at him.

He slighted a smile widely ''Do I even have a choice? It's not like you'll let me go anyway.''
With joy, I roughly messed his hair making him chuckle softly.

No matter what our differences were, deep down, we still were bestfriends and I figured it was going to be the best summer I was going to have. It all was coming true as the lady computer announced that the plane we had been waiting have landed.


It's a young age story 🙃 Thoughts? Very roughly written too 😂

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