Chapter 18

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Jared passed out in the back seat of the car after asking me to drive the car while Alexis sat on the front with me which made me very uncomfortable.

I could see Gulf's car on our tail and it made me remember more about the argument vividly which kept hurting my sentiments. I wanted to get away and forget about him for a while and never remember again.

''Are you sure you don't wanna tell me what happened?'' gently Alexis' deep, concerned voice entered my ears.

I was somehow tired of  keeping everything to myself  but I doubted she would actually understand even if I narrated. ''I want to but you won't get it.'' I said

''You can't say that without even trying". She said trying to soothe me down.


''You know, it's Gulf and you again. You guys always find your way back somehow. Don't you?'' said she trying to shine some light in the situation.

''I can't deal with him anymore.'' My voice cracked and she stopped talking for a brief moment.

''Did you really mean what you said back there?'' She asked and I felt the hesitation in her voice. ''You called him an asshole.'' She said laughing while biting her lips which indicated that she was struggling to make a conversation with me at the moment.

''I don't know but it felt good saying it.'' I half laughed. She went quiet after my response and we drove down the highway that lead to her neighbourhood.

''I'm sorry I ruined a good night.'' I sincerely stated hating the way it had turned out.

''That's alright. It's not your fault.''

''It was just hard taking in all of what he said.'' I admitted finally with my shaky voice, trying to withheld the tears. ''He made me sound like I was one of those people. I'm his bestfriend you know. He isn't supposed to say something like that ".I honestly admitted  feeling the bruises in my emotions, fresh as new.

''You're not those people, Mew.'' Alexis asserted and I stopped the car.  We were outside the gate to her house before we knew it.

She then looked at me  without a word briefly and got out of the car, slamming the door loudly behind her.
''Stay there, I'll drop you off.'' I heard her voice which came like an order, hence I choose to obey her while she made her way to the back seat where Jared had been doozing off for hours.

''Jared,  wake up'' roughly she began to shook Jared's already unconscious body.

''Where are we?'' Jared finally began to talk, bringing himelf to senses. ''My head hurts.'' he poorly continued and I could not be more proud of myself at the moment. I did not even finish a cane of beer and for that I have Gulf to be grateful to.

''We're home Jared, I'll have to make sure you rest well.'' softly Alex smeared and gasped out the moment his heavy body rested on her chest.

While, Alexis and I decided to carry Jared inside, the bright light from Gulf's car flashed at us. I decided to stop acknowledging Gulf's existence, hence I looked away from the direction of  the car when the car stopped right infront of us.

''Need help, Lexie?'' I heard Gulf's voice very close to me but I ignored him.

''nah, we're good" She answered.

''I'mma drop off Mandy then''

I then heard Gulf drove away. Meanwhile, we carried Jared inside the house while I secretly hoped that Mrs. Halden would not freak out.

I simply did not understand my eventful summer and the fact that continuous fights had been happening on repeats. I could not figure out who to blame and what to blame. I wondered whether it had reach a point where I need to decide about people; people who are meant to stay in my life and people who I need to maintain distance with.

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