Chapter 17

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It took around two hours for us to reach the destination. The sea side had been the  most beautiful scenery we had in and around the town and I had good memories there as kids.

''Here we are.'' said Alexis and Jared parked the car in the sand.

The sun was hot already and the reflection of the sun on the river sparkled as the waves danced calmly above its sea body. The wind was warm,friendly and graceful.
The place had no people around but the empty sea stretched for miles and noises failed to disturbed the place. The sound of the rushing of the waves had been the only sound that was heard and it was melodious.

''This is beautiful.'' Jared gasped at the scene and got out of the car while I followed them.

Soon, Gulf and Mandy's car pulled up.

''God, this feels good.'' Alexis said stretching her arms and inhaled the scent of the shore as the waves collided against the other roll of the wave.

''It had always been this good.'' I said looking around the landscape feeling the heat from the sand as it seemed to twinkle under the sun light.

''Lord Heaven, this is amazing.'' Mandy joined beside me followed by Gulf while Jared kept himself busy with his camera.

''Just like old times huh?'' Gulf popped in between Alexis and I and put his arms around our shoulders.

''Just like old times.'' Alexis murmured while my heart fluttered with immense joy. I felt as though I had finally found the missing piece to my heart.

''God, the three of you look good.'' Jared shouted from the  side and clicked a photos of us. None of us pulled away but remained still with smiles lingering in our faces. Maybe, it was all we needed.

We unpacked our stuffs and set up tents in the hope to rest and fill our empty stomach.

''Are you girls gonna be okay? Mew and I have to go find some woods.'' Gulf suggested while Jared decided he'd join us too.

''So, what's the project that brought you here?'' I asked Jared.

''I needed to know about the sediments deposited here, besides, Alexis was eager to help.''

''Well that's lucky.''

''So, I don't know whether I am in the right position to ask this or not but is everything alright between you guys now?'' Jared carefully asked and it astounded me for a while because I was not expecting it. ''She called me up three or four nights ago and she sounded really bad.''

''Yeah, it's all fine now'' I said gazing at Gulf whose face turned red and showed discomforts.

''I'm glad you guys made up.'' said Jared as we finally came across a dead wood.

"So, Jared, how did you and Alexis meet?'' Gulf asked next diverting the tension.

''Well, we share the same class.'' He said behind giggles.

''Ah, How long has it been?'' I asked.

''five months.''

We indulged into a good conversation and finally returned ourselves with piles of small woods in our hands.

We decided to start cooking the meal by noon thereby, we all could move back by seven.

A little later, we played in the water by chaising and dragging everone into the river and making sure each of us fall deeper into the river.

Mandy and Alex did not show any possessiveness towards their boyfriends but made sure that we all had a great time together.

When the sun set, our stomach were full. Slowly, the Starlights began to twinkle up in the sky when we made a bon fire to light the dark. The night was calm, serene and peaceful and the people I was with, made it perfect.

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