3: Iker

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While I take a few steps back to give space to the hybrid, it lets out a whimper when it tries to move into the garaje because it's wounds in the front has his nose covered with small scratches with bright red blood, multiple wounds near the eyes, including a huge scar under his left eye that by its depth could ensure that it should It was a brutal wound that almost made him lose his eye. It seems that life has not been very pious with this particular hybrid, because the more I analyze his body, more and more scars emerged from past clashes, not counting the new battle marks that still had to heal.

A few nice looking drawings on its doors calls my attention, these looked like tattoos or symbols that should have some meaning. As far as I knew then, they must be Cilt ranks or something like that because no one outside of Cilt knows the meaning of these symbols and insignias.

The hybrid McLaren manages to fit into the small space available in the garage, and accommodating some things himself managed to make an improvised support for one of his front wheels, which I had noticed that he had been hurt by not being able to support his weight. Once he found a good position, he allowed his body to rest on the floor and even though it was cold, his strength was not enough to maintain his weight. He was really exhausted and needed human help. My human help in particular.

The cold air that came through the door of the house only made it worse, so it did not take long to look for something that would help me to activate the mechanism of the door again, because this had been on the side of the hybrid, so I could not operate it manually. I found a stick long enough to avoid disturbing the hybrid and make him move, I activated the switch and the metal door slowly began to fall, its chains chirped because of the rust and it was a very nasty and scandalous sound .

To my misfortune, my mental calculations fail and the path of the door is interrupted by a great obstacle; the dead hybrid outside my house. The base of the gate exerted great pressure on the corpse, but it seemed to be even stronger than the pathetic aluminium plate from which the automatic gate was made. It was necessary to move the corpse.

Thinking of a solution while still watching the dead hybrid, the McLaren seems to recover a bit of strength to talk.

- Calm down ... she cannot hurt you anymore. She will not get up and try to eat you ... Mustangs only bite twice ... once when they are young and they bite everything, and another when you compare them with the Camaros ... hehehe ... - He tries to laugh at his own joke, but in the process he coughs a little and spits some of the blood that was still in his mouth.

- Well, I would like it if she could get up, so I could close the door without any problem... - I take my jacket and put it on, armed with the stick I still had in my hands to try to leverage on her wheels and at least so to make them roll a little without the need to push the corpse manually. -Stay here, I'll clean up your mess.-

- That's very nice of you... human. - He was a little more tired, but there was not much to be alarmed, because his injuries had only been superficial and did not represent a danger to his life.

I exited my house and outside it was still raining, the cold drops of water crept down my neck causing me to tremble because of the horrible sensation, but the faster I finished with this, the sooner I would return home. I am surprised to see the tranquility with which I have taken the death of that hybrid, and it is not that I do not value them as any other living being anymore, but possibly I am still in a state of shock without even knowing it. The rain could be beneficial in this situation, so at least the blood that kept coming out of the body of the hybrid would begin to dilute and possibly in the morning there will be no great trace of the crime... besides the corpse, of course.

Giving myself a Little bit of courage, I am about to move the hybrid by lifting the back wheels, taking advantage of the fact that the terrain was slightly steep and it was enough to make it move a little so that it moved away several meters from my house. At least that will help me while the McLaren and I discuss what we will do afterwards with the body and avoid a show that I am sure the police of the E.M. will attend.

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