11: Zeingen

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- A... Are you sure you want to do this? - Iker asks, with clear nervousness in his voice-

- Sure, what could possibly go wrong? -

- The Warriors are pretty tough guys, and they don't like visitors a lot... I don't know Ty, I think we should wait for a day when Kassia is not so busy and she takes you to the Warriors' den, she could protect you better.-

- Iker we already talked about this, I'll be fine, I'm with you. –My comment makes him snort audibly, I didn't know if it was due to my stubbornness or my blind trust towards him- Besides, it's not like my life is at risk. It's illegal for a hybrid to harm a human within Cilt's limits, right? -

- Are you kidding me? No one would be so stupid to even touch you, not even the Warriors! Darius would tear off the head of anyone who dared to hurt you, after Kassia skinned them, and Zenda and the rest of the Warriors gave them the beating of their lives ... - Iker realizes that his explanation was starting to be a bit overwhelming- ... Ehh, in less words, you're practically untouchable here in Cilt.

- You see? There is nothing to fear about then. If I have for now the privilege that the Leaders take care of my back ... Then why not use it to our advantage? - He was still not completely convinced, but in the end my pleas seem to have effect on him- Come on Iker, we must use the fact that people here still see me as "Marcus's son" only. -

- Okay then ... I think you're right, maybe I'm overthinking about it. Also, it is my duty as your guide to teach you about all ranks, so I just hope the other Warriors are in the mood for visits. Heh, although when it comes to you, I think even that brute of Ankor would be happy to see you.-

It was a long night for both of us.

I wasn't able to fall asleep for the most part of the night, and Iker would wake up in the middle of horrible nightmares, reliving that terrible day over and over again. He repeated his name on his dreams, holding on to him, fearing to lose him again. –Aaron–

It was clear that, despite the fact that we both were in peace with eachother, it was necessary for me to reaffirm dozens of times that what had happened yesterday had not affected me, and even with that, I could still distinguish a bit of remorse in his voice. It was a matter of time before he felt comfortable in my presence again. Until then, I would try to act as normal as possible, no matter how difficult it was for me.

Even his attitude towards me had changed a bit, he became nervous, and slightly paranoid towards whatever his instincts told him could be dangerous to me. He even wanted to apologize for the branch I had stumbled upon when leaving the underground rooms, even if it wasn't his fault at all. The harsh memories in his head had temporarily affected his behavior, as if an episode of post-traumatic stress had been triggered in him again, which would be understandable. My mind cannot imagine how painful and difficult it has been for him to have to live with this burden for years.

But today seemed to be a different day, a new beginning for both of us.

At the early morning today, acepting the fact that I would not sleep, I took a hot shower for the first time in the three days I have been at Cilt. I wasn't sure how the water system worked in this place if the room didn't even have a water heater, but I was really grateful for it, as I once burned my eyebrows when I first turned on a water heater on my own. While taking time to clean myself, I noticed that the wound on my hand, as well as the incision in it from the chip that had been implanted, had completely healed. It would be an amazing thing if I didn't know that Cilt has a healthcare system almost as advanced as at the heart of the E.M. I dressed in a new set of clothes, and dozed for a couple of hours until Iker woke up on his own, at least this time he hadn't been woken up by a nightmare, so that was good to help him start his day.

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