8: Rookie

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A pleasant walk through the forest was what I needed to get my lungs used to the new air I would be breathing from now on; Pure, fresh, and with a noticeable pine smell although undoubtedly cold, that did not take away the magic of the singular place.

It had been a little over ten minutes since Adara and I began to walk along this same path, and although I blindly trusted her instincts, I cannot help but feel that uncomfortable sense of being lost in the forest. Said feeling increased and became more uncomfortable every passing moment, being accompanied by the memory of the fearsome Vortex who was close enough to turn us into his dinner, if it were not because in some inexplicable way, he recognized me in the middle of the chase.

The chilling silence begins to sharpen my senses a little. Adara had told me not to speak during the stroll, because although this was a protected area it was not impossible to find one or two wandering hybrids in search of something to eat. For my fortune, Adara always carried melee weapons with her, lethal enough to get us out of a dangerous situation.

Despite my nervousness the little hike turned out to be much calmer than I thought, and I was relieved to know that we were already close to reaching squad 15 base camp, the hunting team Adara is in command of, and who will be my new companions (and protectors) until a hybrid instructor is assigned to me, as Darius had indicated along with the council.

Finally we reached the hunter base, their meeting center was no less spectacular than what I had already seen in the center of Cilt, it was a huge clearing in the forest which had turned it into a real training ground, and despite the fact that there was not much activity in the area except for a few hybrids and humans, who were quietly wandering among the rustic buildings that housed the place, I could still deduce that this was the place where all the Cilt Hunters came after returning from their dangerous missions, which sometimes went beyond the limits of the European Metropolis.

Despite the apparent remoteness of this place with any civilization other than the center of Cilt, a few buildings stand less than a kilometer away from where we were, drawing my attention to the tallest and most imposing of all, the one with a great and deteriorated yellow "H" at its highest point.

Among the few hybrids and humans that were gathered, I managed to identify two faces that were familiar to me, there was Tori talking with a couple of humans, and the blue Porsche with whom I could exchange a few words when the squad escorted us in our entrance to Cilt. Other than the two of them, the rest of the squad were new faces, and they all seemed to be turning their attention to us, as their Captain Adara had returned.

Suddenly, a large unknown male hybrid stood in our path for a moment, I did not know where he had come from or how long he was following us, although Adara kept calm when seeing him and she kept me behind her.

- Welcome back, we already missed you Captain Adara... and I see that you have brought a visit with you.- Says the snarky hybrid with a somewhat mocking tone of voice as he approached us in an intimidating way, to which Adara responds by pushing the nose of that hybrid with her foot, leaving in him a dirt mark in the shape of the sole of her boot.

- This is not just a rookie, Rod, if you break it you will have to pay it back to Kassia, Tyler is important. Understood? - Adara answers sternly, although she kept the same mocking tone that the same hybrid had dedicated to her a few moments ago, and apparently that had been enough to calm the cravings of the hybrid, whatever he was going to do at that moment, for Adara to remind him who was in charge there.

- Ppff ... fine, I just wanted to welcome the rookie, that's all, I wasn't going to hurt him ... much. - Rod snorts loudly and backs away to free our path again, frustrated when stopped by Adara.

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