Eps V: The pretest

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'What will he be testing?'

"Haha, don't worry. It's a simple test" He smiled as some of the regulars relaxed slightly. "Now, let us start the pretest" His smile then turned into a sadistic grin as he stretched his hand.

"Alright. This way, that way~ Here and there....." He waved his hand as the regulars's eyes follow. "And BOOM!" He shouted and light started to emit from his hand.

A gush of air appeared with the light, pushing back the regulars as some of them flew away and some of them held their ground with a protective stance.

"I created a barrier from compresed shinshu and pushed you all back" Lero ro said and started explaining things about shinshu and how important it is.

(y/n)'s P.O.V
That blonde cricket started explaining things about shinshu but to be honest, i didn't pay attention much and was getting pretty bored.

"The teams who can pass this veil barrier, passes the pretest. But those who don't fails this pretest" My eyes widen at his statement. If he said team, that means.....

"Oh and if one of your teammates can't pass the barrier, The whole team fails" He said again, showing that annoying grin of his.

The other regulars started shouting about how absurd and unfair it is until he spoke up again. "Hey, do you know what is the most important factor to go up the tower?" He asked.


"The luck of having a strong body, The luck of being rich, The luck of being smart, The luck of having strong teammates, you only made it this far, because of your luck"

"He's not wrong, but he's not entirely true either" Jin ae stated making Hyde nod. I then noticed something weird. "Hey Khun?" I called to the bluenette next to me.

He turned to me and raised an eyebrow "Where's Bam?" At this question, his eyes widen and started to look around. His eyes then stopped at the direction of the barrier. I followed his gaze to see Bam still inside the barrier.

I can't hear what he's saying but he looks really nervous and scared. Soon, everyone else noticed this and started yelling at him. 'Geez, these people need to chill' i thought as i shake my head slightly.

We walked forward with some other regulars and one of them touched the barrier. It was a raven haired boy. "Hey, how does it feel?" I asked as i tilted my head towards him. "H-huh? Oh, it feels kinda lumpy. It feels ok when i touch it but when i try to enter, it bounces off" He explained and i nod in response.

I saw the ranker talking to Bam and i feel kinda worried. "You try it, (y/n)" Hyde ordered. I hestitated for a while before nodding and reaching my hand to the barrier.

My eyes widen as my arm went through. I could hear the others gasp and whisper as some of them entered the barrier. I proceeded to take a step forward but stopped when i felt something stuck. I turned around to see my crossbow stuck.

I get a grip at the rope that was tied to my crossbow and pulled on it but to no avail, it won't budge. 'No way am i leaving it here' i thought as i looked at Hyde and Jin ae who was about to enter. "Jin ae, Hyde. A little help?" I laughed nervously as they snicker and pushed my crossbow together.

As they push, i could feel it budge and it passed the barrier. Unfortunately, when it passed, Jin ae and Hyde fell over squishing me. "Gah! Oi, get off me Jin ae" Hyde winced as Jin ae laughed. "You guys are heavy" I commented.

"Are you calling us fat?" Jin ae huffed as she helped me and Hyde up. "Maybe" I snickered as Hyde punched my shoulder playfully and Jin ae pouted.

"Ah, (y/n)! You made it!" A voice yelled through the crowd. It belonged to a familiar brown haired boy. "Hey Bam!" I grinned as him and his team walked towards us.

"Of course we made it, we-" "YAY!! I PASSED!!" Two voices screamed, cutting Hyde off. As we turned towards the source of the voice, our faces turned from joy to either a pleased or bothered expression.

Jin Ae gagged, Hyde stiffled a laugh, Khun smirked slightly, Bam looked uneasy, Rak raised a brow and i reflexively sneered my nose and looked away.

It was a man and a woman who i believe was Ship Leesoo or Shibisu and Serena Rinnen. Both relatively weak from Jin Ae's information.

They were all bloody and screaming. Rather than feeling bad for them, i felt a bit bad for the guy who they stepped on. Phonsekal Laure, i believe was his name.

'Well, i just hope he didn't die. I bet Hyde would really want to fight a talented wave controller from the Eurasia family' I thought as i turned away from them to listen to what the others were saying.

-------------------------------------------------------Thank you so so so much for 2.1K views and 123 votes, you guys!!!

I'm glad that you guys enjoyed my fanfic so far and tbh, i didn't expect the votes to surpass 20.

And thank you for those who beared with my slow updates, i really appreciate it.

Oh, and if you find some grammar errors or mispellings in this fanfic, feel free to tell me. (English isn't my first language so i'm not sure if i'm good at it or nah)


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