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An hour of being dolled up later, the thudding of clunky boots signals Lorna's return. She trails into the common area and immediately stares me down, nodding with satisfaction at my appearance.

"That's much better. Come now, the Mistress is restless with impatience," she grumbles, clearly impatient herself. I glance back at the girls, hoping to receive the same reassurance from them I got from Milo, but Xasha is the only one to offer me a gentle smirk that eases my tensions. There's no way Mireya is as intimidating as I've been assuming. Lorna closes the distance between us, grasping me by the wrist before whisking us from the room.

Lorna and I reappear in what looks to be a throne room, sunlight seeping in through the windowed walls. We trek down an olive green rug stretching from the doors to a towering throne of iron, an elegant woman perched atop it. Her gentle pink aura feels docile from a distance, but it's intensifying with every step I take. The potency of it reminds me of my grandmother's aura, and I almost shudder at the unquestionable power exuding from the being before me.

"It's nice to finally have you join us, Silbhan," the angel says, her icy blue eyes landing on me.

"The pleasure is all mine," I choose to respond, bowing my head in respect. This angel is without question Mireya in the flesh. While I'm not a fan of being bound to her, it's clear she is not one to make an enemy of. I need to remain on her good side so long as she is in control of me.

"I imagine the synth is to your liking? Yours is the same as Milo's; high quality and hard to procure. He did you the honor of choosing your appearance," Mireya says, rising from her seat as she speaks. She strides my direction with long legs displayed by the royal robe slipping from her shoulders. Her lengthy wisps of pink hair bounce in time with her steps, blending in with the pulsations of her aura. "You must be his type," she grumbles as she comes to a halt, so low I almost didn't hear it. The back of her hand caresses my cheek, sparks of electricity racing through all my nerve endings. I can't resist wincing in discomfort.

"That's proof of the continuum that bonds us, if you hadn't already been aware of it."

There's no point in lying so early in meeting her. "I was. Milo informed me."

"Wonderful. Then that leaves less for me to explain."

I go straight for the interrogation, hopping it isn't me overstepping my bounds. "Why did you resurrect me?"

Mireya continues circling around me and answers without blinking. "I need you in my ranks for the war. You're not one I'd like to have as a foe."

"Is that acknowledgement of my abilities?" I inquire, wondering if she's complimenting me in a way.

Her lips draw together into a thin line. "More like your longevity." That somewhat confirms my assumption of her knowing what I've done in the past. I've been a part of some of the most historic magical breakthroughs, it's no surprise she'd want me on her side. There aren't many sorceresses in existence, especially not one with light magick abilities on par with a seasoned witch. My strength and power has been used as a weapon and a shield many times in the past.

"Well, what is it you need me for?" I ask.

Mireya halts her scrutinizing, standing directly in front of me with her palms laid on my shoulders. She drills her ice cold eyes into mine. "I'm in no position to leave this realm right now; they are far too many things I must tend to. I do, however, need to gather a few more witches and sorceresses before the Day of the Red Sun. I'd like you to retrieve Natari, Tsudaine and your siblings from your past life as Sabina, so they will stand by my side as well."

This sounded reasonable realistic, until she mentioned my family. They have nothing to do with magick. "Siblings? I had one sister."

"Your father procreated more than you were aware of. You're not the only daughter born of Reuben witch blood, just the only one aware of her abilities." My silence is proof of my shock. "Return to the Earth Realm and retrieve them all for me. Use whatever means necessary to bring them back, just make sure they're alive. And since I know you're silently plotting to never return, I will have Milo accompany you to ensure that you do."

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