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Eli clears his throat to remind the Princess that he's still in the room. Despite her summoning him from Ethyla to speak with her, she's content in Tsudaine's embrace, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Eli resists the urge to kiss his teeth in discontent.

'I suppose she takes pleasure in an audience,' he thinks, knowing good and well she'd hear him. She can hear his thoughts whenever he's near her, thanks to the spindrel living within him.

"Are you bitter that an audience is all you'd ever be?" Lilith loudly questions, a laugh immediately following. Her cold eyes land in his direction as she peels her frame from the demonic sorceress. "I must speak with him, my love. I'll return shortly."

"Don't dawdle," Tsudaine curtly replies, swiping her away with the flick of her wrist. Lilith closes her lavish robe, covering her scantly clad curves as she strides in Eli's direction.

"Come," she breathes, walking past him without making eye contact.

Eli turns on his heels to follow. "Yes, Your Highness."

They leave the weathered cottage and trudge through the dead grass of the lawn, the murky atmosphere weighing heavily on Eli's shoulders. His eyebrow twitches with unease as he wonders how quickly he will be able to depart this realm. There's nothing appeasing about being in the realm he spent forty Earth years trapped inside.

Lilith struts far enough from the cottage to be out of anyone's earshot before coming to a halt. "Where have you been all this time?" Lilith inquires, stretching her arms above head which loosens the robe she'd tied. She never cares about her naked frame being witnessed by Eli. Lilith is truly only interested in women; she's never tried to do anything with him.  

"In Ethyla, where you left me," Eli grumbles, being purposefully vague with his reply. In the few weeks he has harbored her spindrel, he's learned how to answer her questions while teetering on the fine line between the truth and lies.

Lilith in turn has learned how to deal with it. "Be specific, Ilias."

"I spend the time I am not carrying out your orders in my hut in Fenalor. Why are you concerned about where I've been while you've been Tsudaine's pet in Limbo?"

She scoffs at him. "I warrant you no explanations of my whereabouts. There's no harm in being with my lover during war time. Wouldn't you agree? You've found a pet of your own in my absence."

Eli's jaw clenches as he thinks back to Yemeni, who he reluctantly left behind. "If you know everything, why ask me questions?"

"I enjoy hearing it from the horse's mouth." The Princess twists her torso side to side, moving her body after being cooped up in that cottage for Fate knows how long. "Damn that nymph, Tsudaine. I'm so sore," she mumbles.

Eli sighs, turning his back to evade watching the robe slipping from her supple body as she moves. "You summoned me. What do you need to discuss?"

"Tsudaine doesn't intend to watch the war from behind the scenes anymore. She wants you to incite it further by destroying the Elders."

The audaciousness of the order makes Eli stifle a scoff. "Petty demons here and there are fine and dandy, but you think I can take out the Elders? The strongest demons in the realm?"

"Of course, you can. It's not like you have a choice, anyway. This is a direct order from Tsudaine. You'll have to start ani hunting again. That's the only way to wield the Holy Circle enough times to wipe them all out. Be thorough; it's a nuisance any time I have to leave Limbo and tie your loose ends. Get rid of the girl as well."

Eli folds his arms defiantly. "I'm not killing Yemeni." He usually doesn't bother putting up a futile fight against Lilith's demands, but his loved ones are where he draws the line.

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