Chapter 28 - Missing You

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Ignore my mistakes plz...

Jungkook Pov

I was standing in front of the airport , Namjoon hyung told me that his one of the friend will pick me up from the airport and drop me to my new college's dorms....I looked around the place when a man came to me " You Jungkook " I nodded my head.

He smiled at me and stretch his hand for hand shake " I'm Jackson ... Namjoon's friend " I slightly smiled at him and shake hands with him " Nice to meet you " I said and he smiled " Nice to meet you come on ,I will drop you to your dorms ,it's already late " I nodded my head and followed him .

You sat on the driving seat and me on the passenger seat " I can call me if you need anything okay and also don't hesitate to tell if someone misbehave with you in college okay " I nodded my head " You don't talk much ? Buy Namjoon told me that you are really a talkative boy.... Everything okay ?" He asked me .

Nothing is okay " yes don't worry , just tried " I said and smiled a little , he nodded " Good , you should be " he said and start foucing on the road while I looked out side the window...I miss him  ,he hurt me a lot because of him I am broken....but I still miss him....i hate you , I closed my eyes .

" We are here " Jackson hyung said , I opeaned the door and came out of the car , I took my Bags and stood in front Jackson hyung " Thank you " I bowed to him , he smiled and pats my shoulder " Don't thank me " He waved at me and drove away.

University of Paris

I sighed and went towards the dorms side , I looked at a woman who was sleeping on the chair " Excuse me " But she didn't woke up " I SAID EXCUSE ME " she flinched and looked at me " Y-yes " she said " My name is Jungkook , I want to know my room's number " I said to her .

" Jeon Jungkook?" I nodded my head " here are your keys ,your roommate already arrived and your classes will starts from tomorrow " She said " Thank you " I said and start walking towards the dorms , the dorms were pretty good , many students were still awake and some greeted me nicely .

I knocked on the door and a boy same as my age open the door " Hey " he said ,I smiled...he opened the door widely for me " my name is Suho....nice you meet you " I shook hands with him " Jungkook " he smiled at me " finally someone from Korea " he said " arrange your things , it's already quite late Jungkook...we have to wake up early " I nodded my head and arranged my things.

I changed my clothes and was about to sleep when my phone start ringing " Sorry " I apologized to Suho who shook his head smiling " Hello " I said " Bunny , how are you ?" I heard that person's voice I don't want to hear right now " Pretty good " I simply said " How is your University ?" I tried not to cry .

" Amazing , I'm sorry but I was about to sleep , bye " I said and without waiting for his answer I cut the call " You okay Jungkook " Suho asked me " Y-yeah " I said me pats my shoulders and lay on his bed " We are friends now , if you want to share anything I'm here" I smiled and nodded my head .

My phone again vibrates .

Jongsukie Hyung:
Did you reached his university save ?

Yes hyung ,I was just about to sleep

Jongsukie Hyung:
You are not angry at me right ?
Seen ✔✔

I thought for a moment , it's not his fault that he loves me , I am no one to be angry at him for loving ,I don't even know if he truly loves me .

Jongsukie Hyung :
Bunny ?
Seen ✔✔

No hyung ,I am not

I just want some time ,please

Jongsukie Hyung:
You have all my life to thing about Bunny
Seen ✔✔

Jongsukie Hyung:
I have to go now , Papa arrived him will kill me if you see me using phone in the class .
Seen ✔✔

I smiled , I miss my college ,but it's Better I stay away from him ,maybe I will forget him.

Send ✔

Taehyung Pov

I called Jungkook but he cut in hurry ,I miss him...I don't know why but this all is making me feel guilty , hearing his voice....which was once sound like honey , today was no emotion in it ....did he start hating me .

I came out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door " Come in " I said , Jennie came and bowed to me " Sir , today is no meeting and all of your paper work is already what will you do today " she said , I sighed " You can go home Jennie but after arranging my table ,I have to go somewhere " I said to him.

I wear my coat and went to the parking lot ,I drove my car to the let shop " I want this puppy " I showed him the puppy....after that I went to my pent house and locked all of the doors and windows " Yeontan...that's what he named you right " I smiled and pats Yeontan's head .

" Yeontan , I love you ~" I remember his voice " he always smiled widely while talking to you , do you miss him?" yeontan barked ,me too .

No one's Pov

Taehyung fall asleep thinking about Jungkook , he still don't know why he was feeling like that ,maybe he just miss the younger because he got attached to him in a short time .

On the other hand Jungkook was in his class waiting for the professor to arrive , Suho beside him " I already like this University...look at that girl " Suho said to Jungkook who shook his head , because Suho already said that millions of times .

There was a boy who was sitting on the seat while his foot table " Joe! " A very loud voice came from the door , a man came towards his boy who was panicking ,he immediately out his foots down " What ? what are you doing ? Make your self comfortable " He said but The boy named Joe shook his head .

Jungkook and Suho were surprised " Three years of house warming  should qualify this class as your fact consider it your bedroom " The professor said with a smile , which was differently fake " Than you sir, you are really kind " Joe said and smiled ....

The whole lesson was like that the professor insulting every student and everyone laughing ,nit feeling embarrassed , Jungkook and Suho enjoyed a lot and finally Jungkook smiled too but still inside he was missing Taehyung and that's what he hate about himself , missing Taehyung.

" Chloe , a round cap... tomorrow I will bring a cow boy hat for you " the girl rolled her eyes , this is going to be a long year.....

Chapter 28

Any thoughts ?

How many of you think that this story is going very slow ?

Thank you for reading 💜

- I purple you 💜

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