Chapter 9 - The real reason

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^ my another weird edit ....

Ignore my mistakes plz

No one's Pov

Taehyung was looking at the younger ,who was wasted on the bed...Taehyung was thinking about how Jungkook suffered in his life,and the reason we're his own parents...but this boy this love his parents .

' his life is in grave danger...I have to protect him ' The only thought running around Taehyung's mind , he came out of his thoughts when his phone starts ringing, he picked up his phone....he last glanced at the younger and came out of the room .

" Yes uncle ?" Taehyung said in his deep voice , making two girls blush...Taehyung just rolled his eyes .

Jeonsuk: Tae , come back with Jungkook .

There was worriednes in his voice...Taehyung was confused but still replied clamly .

Tae : Ok ,I will be there...but what about other.

Jeonsuk : I called them , they are already on their way .

Tae : Oka .

Taehyung hung up the call and went back inside the room...he looked at Jungkook ,who was hugging a pillow tightly,looking cute ...Taehyung chuckled and went to him....He kneeled down before the bed and caresses his cheeks .

" Jungkook , wake up...we have to go " Jungkook growled and shifted on the other side...Taehyung stood up and grabbed Jungkook's arm " Wake up " he shook his arms , making him whine " No!" Taehyung sighed and tried to pick him up but failed .

" Jungkook , stop acting like a Bart and be a good boy and stand up " Jungkook stood on the bed and glared cutely at Taehyung " Mr Hitler " Taehyung points and himself confused " Me" Taehyung asked.

" Of course I am talking to you Mr Hitler , not not alexsa " Jungkook points...Taehyung followed his gaze and chuckled " That's a clock " Jungkook angryly pouts " you are really confusing Mr Hitler....always with no emotionless face and shouting at everyone and now you are laughing at me! " Jungkook yelled.

" Jungkook , we really have to go " Taehyung was about to go but Jungkook grabbed his arm and pulled him back " Jung--" Taehyung wide his eyes when Jungkook suddenly kissed him .

Taehyung wanted to pushed the younger but he don't know why he didn't know why stayed still and kissed him back...after a moment Jungkook pulled away from the kiss and look at Taehyung with his sleepy eyes " Hyung I-i--- " but he didn't completed his words and passed out on Taehyung's shoulder.

After 5 minutes silence of Taehyung's shocked face , Taehyung picked up the younger in bridle style and made his way towards his car...Taehyung softly lay on the back seat and himself sat on the driving seat .

Taehyung think about the kiss early he had with the younger and touched his lips " Don't think much Taehyung, he was drunk " He last glanced at the younger through the mirror and then starts the car and drove towards Jungkook's house .

While driving all the way he was thinking about Jungkook ' stop it was nothing ' He thought to himself and shook his head....After an 20 minutes and stops his car before Jungkook's house...Jeonsuk was already standing there looking tense .

He got out of the car and then again picked the younger from the back seat " Uncle " He said , Jeonsuk opened the door for them " Yes yes , come in faster " Taehyung straight went to the younger's room and laid him on his bed .

He cover Jungkook with the sheets , Jungkook struggles and hugged his Kooky pillow tightly... Jeonsuk was standing at the door looking at them , Taehyung slightly smiled and get out of his room along with Jeonsuk " Uncle you look tense..... something wrong " Taehyung asked .

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