Chapter 19 - Sorry

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Ignore my mistakes plz....

Jungkook Pov

It's been 4 days and Tae Hyung didn't came to meet me , I am really worried is he fine, is he sick , I asked Hyungsik hyung too but he ignored my question...I want to talk to him .

" Jungkook why are you pouting like a baby ?" Jimin glared and Jimin Hyung who was standing in front of the door " I am bored and Tae Hyung is also not here , he didn't came to meet me for 4 days " He chuckled at me " He is busy Jungkook.....he is the Ceo of the biggest company in Korea...of course he is busy " He said and sat beside me .

I just nodded at him " You know what happened today in the college...Sehun-" Before he could said something I Interrupt him " I don't want to talk about Sehun " He chuckled at me " His friends leave him...they said they don't want to stay with someone who tried to kill someone....can you believe it he tries to kill someone " .

I was shocked he tried to kill someone ,I hope that person is fine, but who can be that person " what are you thinking Kookie ?" Jimin Hyung asked and frowns " Nothing hyung , how is Pd Sir " He coughed...why is he so scared of Pd Sir.

" He asked about you , that how are you , I told him you are perfectly fine... tomorrow you are going to be discharge my the hospital " I sighed softly " Finally " He smiled and ruffles my hairs " Uncle is outside and Hoseok hyung will be here in few minutes...I have to go " I nodded .

Jimin Hyung left , I sighed....alone again...I grabbed my phone " should I message hyung..." No no he must be busy....after few minutes fighting with my brain I decided to message him .

Hyung ,it's me Jungkook .

You didn't came to meet me .

Are you alright .

" I'm perfectly fine " I flinched on hearing his voice...I nodded at him ,he is not wearing his glasses "hyung ,you scared me " he just smiled at me " Sorry , I didn't came to meet you...I was just......busy " i don't think that he was busy , it was something else...but I decided to ignore it .

" But the good news is, I am here with you for rest of the day " He said slightly smiling , I smiled widely at him " Yes!" He chuckled " So let's talk " I nodded at him...the rest of the we spent talking and playing , but today he was looking really sad not like before I mean he never smiled but today is something else .

" Hyung , you look sad... something wrong ?" He looked up at me and sighed " I don't know's just...can I tell you something " I immediately nodded " of course hyung...I am always here to listen to you " He smiled .

" It's about Nancy....I loved her but she -" and he told me everything about his college love story ,her accident , his hrated towards his step mom ,and now that Nancy is alive and betrayed can she do that to My Hyung, she just used him for money .

" That's why you are sad hyung " he again sighed " I don't know this feeling Jungkook.....I didn't even yelled at her or anything , it's just I don't believe in love anymore " I pouts , that means he don't love...but that bissh " Hyung why are you saying this...she wasn't the right person for you " byt he didn't listen to me and scoffed.

Ahhh this tiger is angry ...he is acting like a baby " okay leave Nancy...go to mother-in- I mean your mom and say sorry to her " He shook his head " it wasn't my fault " he said and turn towards me...I looks at him with the 'are you serious face ' expression " what ?" He asked me .

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