Chapter 33 - Car Ride

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Ignore my mistakes plz.....

No one's Pov

" Taehyung , where are you going? " Taehyung's turn around and looked at his mother who was sitting on the couch " Shopping for Jungkook's wedding , which won't happen " Taehyung said and smiled at his weird plans " What!" His mother stood up from the couch like dramatic Kdrama moms.

Taehyung sighed " here we go again " Taehyung though to himself " Don't worry ,I will tell him I love him today " Taehyung said smiling , But his mom stopped him " Noooo, You have to do something else " She said , Taehyung was confused " What do you mean ?" He asked him making her sigh " You should make him jealous " Taehyung looked at her not surprised.

" last time he saw me kissing Nancy , and if this time I flirt with some....he will differently kill me " Taehyung said because he know when Jungkook gets angry , better to run away " So then ? Because you can't suddenly confess to him " Taehyung sighed " What suddenly ? It's been almost 3 months and 1 year " Taehyung pouts .

" I know , but you have to make the guy , whoever he Marrying look bad " Mr Kim said to him making him frowns " how ?" He asked " well you have to find that yourself " Mrs Kim said to him " fine , I will get going " he said and was walking towards the exist .

" Wait , I will go with you...I want to meet my baby bunny " Mrs Kim said " My baby bunny " Taehyung said, Mrs Kim sighed " Whatever, let's go " She said and start walking towards the exist , Taehyung behind him " Mom , you have to stay silent okay ?" Taehyung said to her , she nodded " I'm your mother young man , not tell me what to do " Taehyung sighed " why I even " He mumbled to himself.

" let me tell you Tae " Taehyung hummed " if you tried to hurt my baby bunny after your marriage I won't spear you " Taehyung rolled his eyes " You know what Mom " Mrs Kim hummed " I heart want to hang your picture in the museum that step mother's like you exist " He said still looking on the road .

" And my heart want to send you to the zoo " she said and slapped his head " I'm your mother no matter what " She said , Taehyung chuckled when he saw her pouting " of course you are " Taehyung smiled at her .

Jungkook Pov

I was in room , today I have to go for my engagement party shopping.... yesterday I said Papa to call Taehyung and invite him me stupid or whatever , but I didn't saw him almost 2 years , no I want to see few weeks ,I'm turning 23 and also my wedding.

I don't want to marry Jongsuk....

I slapped myself , everyone are happy Jeon Jungkook , and specially Papa....he took care of me 19 years , even I am not his real son....i don't want to disturb him more , he already done many things for me.

" Kookie ! Jongsuk is here !" I heard Hoseok hyung's voice " coming! " I said and looked at myself , pale face...I put a smile on my face, fake smile ...I went downstairs , Jongsuk was sitting with a girl , and PD sir...they looked at me , I bowed to him " Jungkook " Sir stood up and made his way towards me.

" How are you ?" He asked me and hugged me " Good " I said and hugged back , after few seconds he pulled away from the hug " I'm very happy to see you back " He said , I smiled a little " Good to be back " I said , he pat my shoulder and again sat on the couch " I don't like that boy " Jongsuk whispered to me .

" Are you seriously going to marry that boy " I nodded my head " Bunny " I looked at Jongsuk who was smiling looking at me " Meet my sister...Soomi " I smiled at her " Hi Jungkook " She said smiling " Hi " I said, she was about to say something more but house bell Rang .

Hoseok hyung went to open the door , I know who it is , that's why I went to Jongsuk and stood beside him " You okay ?" He asked me , I nodded my head slightly smiling " MY BABY !" Everyone looked at Mrs Kim , she came towards me and pulled me into a bone cracking hug .

" I missed you so much " She said most likely yelled , I looked at Taehyung who was smiling while looking at us , she pulled away from the hug " Good to see back" She said and squeezed my cheeks .

" Finally Taehyung you are here....we were waiting for you " Papa said to Taehyung and hugged him " You know , Jungkook told me to call you and invite you " Papa said " Of course , always here for you " Taehyung said looking at me , smiling....I looked away from him .

Taehyung Pov

My bunny told father-in-law to invite me too , he also wanted to see me , so cute " of course , always here for you " I said looking bunny smiling....he looked away while blushing why so cute " let's go then " Hoseok hyung said, I nodded " Yeah " I said " By the way who wants coming with us " Jin Hyung asked .

Everyone rised there hands , father in law sighed " as expected....who wants to go with Jungkook " Suho , Jimin rised their hands " Why didn't you rised your hand ? " Mom whispered to me , I sighed " I can't rise my hand like an idiot " I whispered back , she chuckled " What do you mean by ' like an idiot ' you are an idiot, no doubt " I called at her.

" Taehyung " Father in law called me " Yes f- U-uncle ?" control your tongue " Go with them " I nodded my head YES!....we made our way toward the car " I will drive the car " Jongsuk said , I nodded and through the keys toward him which he caught easily " Wow " Jungkook said surprised .

What! he is surprised by this stupid caught...I can catch a water bottle easily , I glared at Jongsuk " I will sit in the front " Suho said and Jungkook nodded , Suho squealed and sat on the passenger seat and Jongsuk on the driving seat of course .

I opened the back door for Jungkook " Come on " I said smiling softly at him , He looked at me " Thank you " He said and hop inside the car......I sat in the centre , Jimin on the left and Jungkook on the right side " all good ?" Jongsuk asked us " drive already " I mumbled which Jungkook heard .

I looked at him , he was glaring at me....Jongsuk start the car " You comfortable back there Bunny ?" Jongsuk asked my bunny " of course you jerk ,he is always comfortable with me , after all I'm his future husband " I thought to myself .

" yes I am comfortable ..... Don't worry Hyung " He said and glance at me , Jongsuk chuckled " Good " He said...should I talk to Jungkook now ? No no , not here...i looked at Jungkook who was looking outside the window....angel fall from heaven...he looks so beautiful like always...his mole of the neck always make me want to kiss him....I REALLY NEED TO CONTROL MYSELF .

I felt like someone was glaring at me , I turn around and got startled when I saw Jimin , litterly eye killing me " Wha-" because I could complete my sentence ,Jimin stopped me " You are world's first class loser , idiot and jerk " He said , Suho looked at us , I chuckled nervously .

" But I -i didn't even do anything " I said , He glared at me even more " Exactly " He said and looked away from me , I gulped nervously...I turn toward Suho , who was looking at us confused " What ?" I said , he immediately shook his head and turn back .

After mine and Jungkookie's marriage , I have to face his best friend too ...He almost killed me with his glaring eyes.....this day is going to be a long day.....

Chapter 33

Any thoughts ?

I'm really sorry for late update , but I'm sick , and my mother and brothers scolded me for not taking care of myself...that's why I didn't update these days....i am still not recovered , so maybe update will be delayed.....also I have to update my other story I am really sorry :(

And sorry for such a long note ....

Thanks for reading 💞

I purple you 💜

- authornim 🐰

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