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It was almost 5am and her body was beginning to twitch as if she was close to waking up. Her captor watched with caution although there wasn't much she could do.

A few more minutes passed when there was muffled groans coming from behind the duct taped mouth. Her eyebrows were furrowing as if her head was in pain. He simply got closer to her, and towered over her. He finally took off her blindfold.

She squinted her eyes while having them closed until she finally opened them slowly. Samira was quickly blinded by the studio lighting. She couldn't distinguish any figures and was very confused of her surroundings.

As her eyes began to adjust to the light they immediately widened at the sight of him.

"Hi" he said softly while smiling.

He couldn't keep his excitement to himself, he was shaking all over the place. Samira looked at him in fear and struggled around to get loose but everything was futile. Nothing would release her from her chains other than him.

He leaned in to grab her cheek and she pulled back as much as she could, his hand still managed to get to her. It was warm compared to her cold skin. He was just happy to finally have her to himself.

"I'm going to take the tape off from your mouth, okay? And just know that you can scream all you want. No one will hear you. We're miles deep into the woods so just save your voice okay?" He said while still caressing her cheek.

He pulled off the tape and as he expected she began screaming.


It was quite painful for his ears so he walked to the other side of the room for a bit. She was still screaming after ten minutes so he decided to go back to where she was. Her screaming got louder as he inched towards her.

Finally he sent a heavy backhand towards her face and drew some blood from her nose.

"Ahh" he sighed "isn't that better sweet pea? It's all nice and quiet now. Just know that if you continue to act like that again I'll hurt you even more than I did now" he pat her head gently which made her flinch away.

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