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Samira was just waking up, as the studio lights were poking at her eyes. Her vision was messed up and she had the biggest headache.

"It was about time that you woke up" he said with sinister smirk.

Samira's eyes got wide when she noticed where she was. She had her mouth duct taped shut and was chained down to a chair by all of her limbs. Massimo had set up a bright light in front of her face.

"I can't wait to watch this moment over and over" He pressed record on the camera that was facing Samira's face at an angle. "It's just unfortunate that it had to end this way"

He walked to the counter and Samira's eyes followed him. She was unaware of what was about to happen. He returned with surgical gloves and a very sharp knife. He picked up a piece of paper and sliced it in half in front of the camera just to show how sharp it was.

Samira saw that and her eyes started watering and she began making sounds that were muffled behind the duct tape.

"Have any last words doll" he said walking towards her with the knife pointed at her. "oh right you can't talk" he laughed crazily.

He brought the knife near her neck.

"Wait" he stopped immediately "I want to hear your screams before you choke on your own blood" he pulled the tape off of her mouth making her lips bleed.

Before he continued he kissed her lips softly.

"That should stop the unnecessary bleeding" he said

He then went back to placing the knife on her throat.

"Massimo please" she stuttered

"Stop talking it'll make it easier for both of us"

He began putting pressure onto her throat that eventually tore through her skin. Samira was crying in agony.

"Red." she gasped

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