Chapter 7

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Once upon a time, I knew a man named Darsen. He didn't know me though, because I only saw him in my dreams. Darsen would take care of a place called Nearena Deathena, where people go when they're in a coma or have fainted. I told no one, it wasn't as if they'd believe me anyway. I am sitting at a lunch table with Anna, Carmen, Ella and Isha.
"I'm going to get someone. I'll be back in a sec." Ella says and abandons her empty lunch tray in an empty seat.
"Who do you think she's getting?" Anna asks,
"I don't know." I reply,
"I do." Carmen grins,
"Oh no. I'm worried now." Isha says. Ella returns with two boys. The scowler and the other boy who waved at me.
"Everyone this is Gale and Joey. Gale, Joey, this is Josie, Anna, Isha and you know Carmen." She smiles. I raise one perfect eyebrow at the scowler, sorry, I mean Gale and he smirks. If I wasn't in school right now I would have slapped him by now. I turn to Joey and smile. He beams back,
"Nice to meet you." I say sweetly,
"You too." Joey replies. I am rewarded with a grunt from Gale. Anna flicks hair out of her eyes,
"Do you want to sit with us? There's plenty of room." She asks. Joey's cheeks are pink with pleasure, and Gale blows brown hair out of his face and gruffly sits down in between Ella and Joey. I give him a smirk. Now's the perfect time to get revenge,
"So, Gale, how did you meet Ella and Carmen?" I smile deviously. The dragon scowler lets out a puff of smoke,
"We met in the primary. We were in the popular group together." He grumbles,
"And who else was in the popular group?" I grin devilishly. Everyone sees what I am doing. Gale looks at his friends for support, but they simply shake their heads at him,
"It was me, Ella, Carmen, Joey, four other girls called Aria, Elsie, Willow and Ivy, and four other boys called Jack, Ethan, Oscar and Jacob." He sighs, and waves in the direction of eight people. A girl with dark purple hair in bunches and brown skin with dark red lips, another girl with straight blonde hair with green, pink and black highlights and pale blue eyes. Two other girls, one with pink ombre hair and the other with long, straight, glossy black hair and blue eyes. All sitting opposite four boys, one with blonde hair that falls over his eyes, another with amber red hair and grey eyes, one with light brown hair and a few freckles, and the last one with gingery brown hair with freckles, green eyes and he was quite tall.
"Elsie is the one with purple hair, Aria is the girl with blonde, pink, green and black hair, Willow is the one with black hair and Ivy has pink ombre. Jack is the blonde boy, Ethan is the ginger, Oscar has light brown hair and Jacob is the tall one." Gale explains gruffly. It seems like they're still a popular group, as several people are walking up to them and complimenting them. Ivy notices us looking at them and nudges Willow. Willow tells Elsie, Elsie tells Aria, Aria tells the rest of them. Before we know it, the entire group is staring back at us. Anna and I exchange glances, Isha's face turns red and he looks at his lap. Ella, Carmen, Joey and Gale wave as them. Ivy smiles, gets up and sits down at our table.
"Hi guys!" She says, as the rest of them join us,
"Hiya! I'm Willow." One says. Willow has a very broad Yorkshire accent,
"I'm Elsie. That's Ivy, with the pink hair. Aria with the highlights. Jacob is the-" Elsie starts,
"Actually, they already know. We just explained to them." Carmen cuts in.
"Oh right! That's why you couldn't keep your eyes off us!" Aria realises. The group laughs, and Isha, Anna and I join in, pretending not to be scared out of our minds,
"Who's this lot, then?" Jacob asks,
"That's Josie Clock, blonde one, Isha is the boy, and then there's Anna. She went to our primary." Ella chirps,
"Josie... Clock?" Oscar and Jack stammer,
"You've got a problem with her, you've got a problem with me." Anna says fiercely,
"Ok ok! Just... Don't let us go in your garden." Jack surrenders,
"Jack, it's not dangerous! Josie went to the house and she's still here." Ella sighs,
"Well, it is scary." Gale smirks,
"You're scarier. Before someone dies of fear, put a mask on, quick." I shoot back,
"Harsh." Oscar winces,
"True though." Carmen grins.
"Josie, may I ask... Why do you have a ferret on your shoulder?" Aria asks,
"Frank is my pet. She won't leave me alone." I answer,
"Um, you say Frank is a girl?" Jack asks,
"Yes. She's a girl." I say,
"Frank is a boys name." Elsie giggles,
"I know. I like Frank for a girl. You've got a problem with that?" I challenge them.
"No, no problem." Jack says lightly. Aria tosses her head and gets the hair out of her face, Ivy picks at a salad, Willow smiles kindly at me and Elsie you tickles Frank around the neck.
"So, Josie. What's it like in the old house?" Oscar asks. As I answer his question, Willow points out a large commotion outside.
"What's going on?" Carmen asks,
"Why can't we go in through that door?" Ella says. I push my way to the front of the crowd and see there are teachers guarding a door. Inside the room they're protecting, is a young girl with a blanket of silky black hair.
She catches my eye and motions to the stairs next to her. I nod and run out into the courtyard. Grabbing Anna's wrist, I run to the door of the next corridor,
"Woah, slow down Josie! Where are we going?" Anna gasps,
"I know the girl they've got, we need to get her out of there." I reply and dart up the stairs with her. When we reach the room Honey is locked inside, she is curled on the floor. I shake her shoulders gently,
"Come on, Honey." I say and pull a hair slide out of Anna's head.
"Do either of you know how to pick locks?" I say. Lara and Tilly both could do it, but I'm useless.
"I can." Anna says and plucks the hair pin from my fingers. She gets to work on the lock and within seconds it has been picked. The three of us dash away and start to climb the fence. Honey looks back and stops.
"Honey, come on!" I say and try to pull her up.
"I can't." She whispers, "it's the kidnapper..." She points straight at the person I least expected. The person who was my friend. The person who I dread to see every day in school now.
She points at Isha.

Sorry about the shortness of this chapter, also, a few of you probably suspected Isha. If you did, then congrats you were right. If you didn't... You failed as a detective. Just kidding.

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