Quiz time!

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I did this with my story (which is also connected to this story) Following Traditions and I loved doing it so I'm doing it again! You'll be given twenty questions (answer honestly) and I'll tell you which character you are based off of your answers.
The outcomes are: Josie, Carmen, Ella or Anna.
Have fun!

1. Where would you be after school?

A. At a drama club.
B. Hiding from deadly enemies in a tree.
C. Window shopping with my friends!
D. At a café sipping iced tea with a friend or sibling.

2. You've found £20 in cash in the back pocket of your favourite jeans. You're RICH! What do you treat yourself to?

A. Stage make up!
B. Artist materials!
C. Add it to my money box that I use to save up for that necklace I've wanted FOREVER.

3. What subjects do you do best in?

A. Drama and music.
B. Art and history.
C. Digital media and sewing.
D. Cookery and English.

4. What subjects do you do worst in? Be honest.

A. Maths and science.
B. Science and drama.
C. Geography and RE.
D. PE and music.

5. Your opinion on popularity?

A. I'm pretty popular, I don't mind if I'm not though.
B. I don't like popularity. I get too scared that I'm going to slip up if I'm popular.
C. Popularity is great, as long as my best friend is by my side.
D. I don't like it unless I'm with other people who are popular.

6. How many people are usually invited to your birthday parties?

A. Every. Single. Friend. I have.
B. Just a few close friends.
C. Half the school.
D. My regular friend group.

7. If you had a lucky number, what would it be? Or whichever is closest to your actual lucky number.

A. 21
B. 13
C. 7
D. 9

8. Which type of city attracts you most?

A. Small village with a cool shopping centre and places to hang out with friends.
B. Traveling circus in caravans, with me doing the flying trapeze act.
C. Bustling town with loads of shops and coffee shops and a park.
D. Old, historical, seaside city with lots of friendly people and animals.

9. Your ideal best friend is...

A. Kind and a good listener.
B. A bit of a dreamer, and believes in me and themself.
C. Sophisticated and able to control my temper and keep me calm.
D. A bit of a challenge, and someone who sticks with me through thick and thin.

10. Someone says a hurtful comment to you. What do you do?

A. Wait and see if they bully me. If they do, tell my guardians and the teachers to get it stopped.
B. Tell them to stop. If they don't, RELEASE THE HOUNDS!! Aka, gather an army and attack with revenge.
C. Slap that person! Get extra revenge later.
D. Ask them to stop. If they don't, give them a good lecture. If they still don't stop, get revenge.

11. How do you cheer yourself up?

A. Vent about the problem to my most trusted people and see if they can help.
B. Quietly obsess over the problem for the whole day. When I get back home, sit in the attic and chat to ghosts about it.
C. TELL NO ONE! I don't want them to feel bad for me.
D. Distract myself. Soon enough, I'll forget about it.

12. You're alone in the forest and see a murderer come up over the hill. What do you do?

B. Hide.
D.  Get help.

13. Your favourite quote?

A. Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack.
B. The earth speaks to all of us and if we listen we can understand.
C. All you need is love... Or more chocolate.
D. A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you forget the words.

14. What's your style?

A. Cool: cropped t-shirts, sunglasses, shorts, anything fashionable.
B. Casual: t-shirts, jeans, hoodies, anything comfy. Or you know, just whatever I have in my wardrobe.
C. Chic: whatever's in style, usually shorts and skinny jeans or high waist trousers, little print tops.
D. Vintage: fur coats, vintage dresses, scarves.

15. What would you do if you saw a burning building and someone was stuck in it?

B. Call the fire brigade.
C. Get someone else to save them.
D. Gather as many people as possible and try to put out the fire.

16. Your favourite holiday?

A. Birthday.
B. Halloween.
C. Christmas.
D. Easter.

17. What is your secret selfish desire?

A. The person I like would like me back.
B. I could talk to someone new confidently.
C. I can talk about my problems to people without getting messed up with my words.
D. I wish I looked nicer...

18. What's your favourite sport?

A. Swimming.
B. Climbing.
C. Running.
D. Tennis.

19. Out of these options, what's your favourite food?

A. Anything sweet and sugary!
B. Mangoes.
C. Burgers and chips.
D. Iced tea.

20. Finally, on a beach holiday, where are you most likely to be found?

A. Paddling in the sea.
B. Sketching the view while sitting in a tree.
C. Sunbathing on the beach.
D. Playing volleyball with some new people in the sand.


Mostly A's: Josie.
You're very confident and an amazing actress. You're kind to your friends and always bring happiness and joy to people through your insane sense of humour. You can be crazy, but you're always funny from it. Good for you!

Mostly B's: Anna.
You're quite shy, but if you feel like you need to talk to someone you will. You're great at climbing trees and drawing, you can also sew well. You can be mysterious, but that quality draws out secrets from others. Not only do you keep them, but you can use them. You'd make a great spy one day.

Mostly C's: Ella.
You're sweet, but have a very harsh evil side. You can be unforgiving, and when you get revenge you get it very well. You're not very shy, but sometimes you don't like talking about your problems because you don't want other people's pity. PS: please tell me what your most outrageous revenge story is, I won't tell, I just want to use it!

Mostly D's: Carmen.
You're very kind and open to new things. You're a great cook, but sometimes criticise yourself and say you aren't good enough. Your biggest weakness is agreeing with criticism: your enemies will pick out the tiny things wrong with your work and make it seem like your work is ruined because of those tiny details. You push yourself, and that's ok. Just don't push too hard. Like Carmen, you try to make friends with everyone, and have a best friend who's great at revenge. Keep on controlling that best friends temper of yours, or else someone could get badly hurt!

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