32: you (-M)

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(its a bit M...)

Taehyung sat on the stairs in front of Jeongguk throne.

The devil told him to not leave his sight. So he was once again stick with jeongguk here.

"why does that pigeon Chungho want you back?" Jeongguk asked looking down at the angel who had his hack towards him.

"i don't know" taehyung said. He really did not know. Because as far he knew the king didn't want him and just threw him out.

But taehyung didn't know why the change of mind.

Jeongguk hummed and stared at taehyung. He did feel something inside taehyung earlier. But he couldn't figure out what it was.

Maybe it had something to do why the angels wanted him back.

But what was so special about it...

"what are you taehyung?"

"a boy" taehyung responded sitting sideways to look up at jeongguk.

"i didn't mean it like that..."

"a angel"

"hm, what kind?"

"just normal?" taehyung titled his head. Why would jeongguk ask that. He was clearly just a normal angel.

"are you sure?"

"yes, Why wouldn't it be?"

"dunno" jeongguk shrugged and stood up walking down. He kneeled down in front of taehyung.

He touched taehyung's hand.

Besides the lustful desires he had whenever he came close to taehyung he again he felt that strange thing inside of the angel. But he couldn't reach or understand it.

"do yo-"

"Jeon i found a new bird" Yoongi spoke as he entered the room pulling a chained angel after him.

"oh. How nice" jeongguk stood up walking to them.

Meanwhile taehyung's eyes widen and he sat up.

"why is he here?" jeongguk asked yoongi.

"he was sneaking around in the castle. So i caught him"

"hm did you really think we wouldn't find you?" jeongguk asked the angel while he kneeled down to his eyes level as the angel was on his knees.

"fuck off" the angel said looking away.

"you are annoying." jeongguk said and took a breath. "yoongi"

The demon stepped back a few steps taking distance while jeongguk cracked his knuckles and sighed.

"well i guess this is your end" jeongguk said and hit the angel. Making him fall on his back with a bleeding nose.

Taehyung gasped and jumped up.

"j-jeongguk!" he blurted out.

The devil halted and looked back at the angel. But he didn't pay much attention to it.

"will your heart be tasty?" jeongguk asked and placed a hand on the angel's chest digging his nails in his flesh.

The angel kicked around but his hands were tied.

"stop!" taehyung said and walked to them but stopped as soon jeongguk's eyes locked on him.

"why do you want me to listen to you?" jeongguk asked his hand kept in place ready to continue any second.

"y-you can't kill him."


"he is a angel."

"so, i dont give a shit" jeongguk rolled his eyes. He enjoyed killing them. Because he hated then all because of Chungho who betrayed him.

"b-but i do, please don't kill him" taehyung tried looking at the angel. He had seen him a few times when he was still living in heaven.

"what will you give in return?" jeongguk lifted a brow.

"i-i don't know-"

"give me you"


"then i will spare his life" jeongguk grinned seeing taehyung think. But he knew he got taehyung already.


As soon taehyung said that jeongguk raised his brows at the angel he tried to kill and chuckled.

"well it looks like you are lucky today" he said and stood up wiping his bloody fingers on the angels clothes.

"yoongi, take him outside and make sure he leaves my property"

"i'm on it" yoongi said and took the angel out of the room.

The door shut with a echoing sound. And at that moment it was shut jeongguk grinned looking at Taehyung.

"well let's have some fun little angel" he said and walked to his throne. Taking taehyung with him.

He sat down letting taehyung sit on his lap. The angel did not know what was about to happen, so he just sat there.

"Lets see how long it will take" jeongguk said slipping both hands in taehyung's robe. He caressed the angels chest for a moment.

The devil then removed his hands to untie taehyung's robe. But the angel quickly shut it closed.

"don't disobey what i want. You agreed for that angel's life" jeongguk said his eyes darken.

Taehyung gulped and lowered his arms letting jungkook slip down his robe.

"such a pretty creature" jeongguk said feeling taehyung's skin. He liked the angel. He made him feel forbidden desires and thoughts.

His hands moved down and touched taehyung's other member making taehyung gasp and put his hands in front.

"Angel what did i tell you" jeongguk said and taehyung slowly moved his hands. "you will feel good."

Jeongguk gently geban rubbing his hand over taehyung's clothes member.

Taehyung shut his eyes and bit his lip. Because it felt good. He shouldn't be feeling this, it's against the rules.

"i will make you only want me" jeongguk whispered in taehyung's ear and pulled him against his chest. His hand doesn't stop moving.

Taehyung suddenly let out a moan when jeongguk squeezed his member.

He felt such a good feeling go through him that he didn't want it to stop.

He knew it was wrong, but he liked it.

"good" jeongguk said. He knew exactly what he was doing.

He said he will make taehyung only be wanting him. And that was exactly what he will do. And he will succeed.

Jungkook felt taehyung's member twitch under the fabric. the angel let out a moan wich he tried to hold in by biting his lip.

Jeongguk smirked in victory feeling the angel relax against him.

"give in Taehyung, i know you want it" he whispered and caressed taehyung's thighs.



Thank you for reading. See u at the next chapter!!


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