43: fake

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"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Jimin said and pushed Jeongguk away. Making the devil stumble back. His eyes wide looking at the angel on the floor.

"oh god Taehyung" Jimin kneeled next to him and listened for his heart.

"it....Hurts?..." Jeongguk said confused his hand slowly his hand went up to his heart rubbing his chest.

He then bend forward and groaned. His heart stung like someone was stabbing it.

"why does it hurt?!"

Jimin looked at jeongguk seeing him in pain. He never saw jeongguk looking that pained. It was...Scary.

Jeongguks eyes were still staring at the angel. Burning a bright golden color.

He looked at taehyung then it hit him. Well he thought.

He was about to press taehyung's chest when jeongguk suddenly shoved him away roughly.

"tae... taehyung" the devil said lifting taehyung in his arms and bite his neck. He released a poison that will shock the angel.

"what are you doing, lay him down!" jimin said but he couldn't get the devil to let go.

After a few seconds a loud gasp was heard and a cough.

"angel...Baby" jeongguk mumbled and caressed taehyung's cheek. Seeing his crystal eyes.

"oh my, how did you.." Jimin said shocked seeing taehyung breathing.

Jeongguk felt his painful heart starring to beat again. The pain was fading.

"n-no no" Taehyung said pushing himself out of Jeongguks hold. He crawled away. "dont"

"angel..." jeongguk said with a sad frown reaching for him. But taehyung shook his head pulling his arms and legs in.

"don't touch me.."

"tae. I-"

"no jeongguk." Jimin interrupted and walked to taehyung helping him on his feet. He noticed the blood on his side and head.

"come Taehyung, lets get you treated" he said as he walked away. Giving the devil a warning glare.

Jeongguk watched the two leave. He gripped his head wanting to scream at himself.

He just ruined everything.

He let someone in his mind, making someone say what to do.

"FUCK!" he cursed and stood up looking at one of the guards he flashed to him and ripped his head off.

He was angry, and wanted blood.


Taehyung sat in the bathroom with now sweatpants and shirtless so Jimin could clean the holes that Jeongguk's nails made in his side.

"you okay?" jimin asked. The angel did not talk ever since they left the throne room after what happened.

"yea...I guess" taehyung said a bit zoned out. He was with his mind somewhere else.

' "i know about your secret"

"what secret?"

"you are here to kill me.....You are a stupid guardian angel. You lied" jeongguk stepped closer.

"what's that?" taehyung had no idea what a guardian angel was. He didn't even know if it existed.

"you, the letters say it all. That's why i have to get rid of you. You are a threat to me." jeongguk suddenly grabbed taehyung's neck lifting him up. Seeing the poot angels feet come off the ground.'

Taehyung had no idea what he was talking about. What secret? What is a guardian angel?

And then he said that taehyung lied...Taehyung doesn't lie. Why would jeongguk say those things.

Taehyung felt sad.

' "feel the pain, come out guardian." jeongguk said and digged his nails inside taehyung's side. Feeling the red blood drops roll down over his fingers. And coloring the white robes of the angel.'

Guardian? 'Im no guardian. What was he saying...' taehyung thought and sighed.

"what..Happened?" Jimin asked carefully.

"he wanted to kill me.." taehyung said. "he said i was a guardian angel, but i never heard about that"

"ah.." Jimin knew what jeongguk must have read. Since yoongi showed the devil. Well he wasn't yoongi, jimin was sure of that. "someone put words in his head saying that he needed to kill you. But he regretted it as soon he realised what he did"

"but...He said he loved me" taehyung teared up. "why did he do that, isnt my love enough, doesn't he trust me?"

"i dont know Tae, you have to ask him. But now i'm going to let you sit in the sun and i will talk to Jeongguk" jimin said after he treated taehyung. He walking then with the angel to the window in the bedroom making him sit there.

"you will stay here until you feel better" jimin said stern. Taehyung nodded obediently and sat down on the bed.


"JEONGGUK!" jimin bursted in the room making the door bang against the stone wall. Jeongguk looked at him from his throne.

Three bodies were scattered over the floor blood trail leading to the devils seat. The arm rests were bloody from jeongguks hands that were dripping with the blood...And trembling.

"the fuck did you do?!" Jimin asked stepping over the body's he didn't mind it but jeongguk killed them without reason so brutally.

"why are you here?" jeongguk asked.

Jimin came closer and he noticed jeongguks eyes were red. Not his eyes color, but like he was holding back tears.

"to talk."

"i don't want to"

"it's about Yoongi"

"the fuck does he want?" jeongguk squinted his eyes.

"the one that spoke with you. Wasn't Yoongi. Someone used his appearance" jimin said.

"how are you so sure?"

"because yoongi was just getting dressed. But i already had seen the fake yoongi leave the castle."


"Jeongguk?" jimin asked wanting a response.


"jeo-oh what?" jimin was surprised when suddenly he saw a tear roll down the devil's cheek followed by another one.

"tell him im sorry, i-i don't know why i did it. I didn't want to. I love him" Jeongguk said. "im so stupid"

"hey yo chill" jimin said and kicked away a ripped off arm to get to jeongguk.

"no, he will hate me now for sure."

"i think he won't hate you, but you have to talk to him. You can't just sit here and kill whoever enters." Jimin said with a frown. "now stop crying to me and cry to your Angel."

Even if he never saw Jeongguk cry before. It was meaning a lot. Taehyung really was special to him. But he didn't want jeongguk to be all sad here he needed to talk with taehyung if he wanted to fix things.



I just bought 3 old assassins creed games remakes for the ps4. I didnt need it since i already played them...But it was on sale..And a nice add to my collection ::))

See u at the next update, thank you for reading!

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