48: fallen

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Taehyung was smiling. He felt happy he sat on Jeongguk's lap while the devil sat on the throne. Yesterday he had a lot to clean on himself. But he loved it. And even more that he was now wearing Jeongguk's marking on his neck.

Jeongguk was gently tracing his fingers over the two dot shaped marks on the angels neck while he looked down at the two demon guards that had bad news, Seeing them bow like that.

"you did what?" Jeongguk asked with a deep voice. His eyes darkening. But the angel on his lap made him control his anger from jumping for the two demon's necks.

"w-we accidentally missed the angels. They are somewhere here. We couldn't find them." one of the two said.

"then search again, i don't want those birds here. Capture them and bring them to me!" jeongguk sad angry.

"ggukie, accidents can happen" taehyung said softly. He didn't want him to be so hard on the two demons.

"not if it includes your safety" jeongguk hissed glaring at the two leaving the throne room.

"but i got you" taehyung said pecking jeongguk's cheek and smile.

"yes you do.." jeongguk said..But he knew that his powers had his limits. He wasn't invincible. Yes he can die easily. He will heal. His heart would keep beating making it seem like he had died, but he isn't.

But jeongguk wasn't superman. He can't be everywhere, and his eyes are not like a fly. He cant see everything. He sees and knows a lot but even him will miss small things.

"kiss me properly" Jeongguk said shaking off the thought.

Taehyung smiled connecting their lips. He wrapped one arm around jeongguk's neck the other on his cheek. The devil had his arms on the angel's hips as he kissed him back.

"perfect, now go upstairs. I want to go eat something with you today"

"like a date?"

"yes but that sounds weak. That's for weak humans to say"

"don't be such a tough boy. You can be soft"

"only for you"

"now then ask me on a date." taehyung said with a small grin crossing his arms.

"Kim Taehyung will you go on a...Date...With me" jeongguk said.

"i would love to" taehyung said and booped jeongguk's nose making the devil's eyes widen and looked at him.

"your nose is cute"

"no it's not"

"your lips are cute too"


"your eyes are pretty"

Jeongguk looked away, his heart skipped a beat at taehyung's cute kind words.

"now i will go change" taehyung got off his lap and straightened his clothes.

As he turned around he got a smack on his ass by the devil who smirked at him.

"it needs to rest Gguk" taehyung said rubbing his ass. He could still feel small burns from yesterday night.


Taehyung was drying his hair on the balcony in the wind. Brushing it with his fingers and shaking it.

"angel, it's time to come with us" a voice said. Taehyung turned around seeing another angel on the balcony with him. His white big wings at his back.

"why are you here. Leave" taehyung said stepping back.

"to get you, the king wants you. And i think the guardians too." the angel chuckled.

"i'm not leaving here. I dont live there anymore"

"that's not what i said. Now come here" the angel reached for taehyung who jumped back his back hitting the edge of the balcony.

"see no where to go. And your stupid bat isn't here either. So one choice, come with us" a second angel landed behind the other as the closed in on Taehyung.

But taehyung had another choice. It was risky...But worth trying. Because he sensed that the devil was really close by.

So Taehyung being scared jumped off the balcony summoning his wings. He tried to fly. He barely could keep himself up. But it should be enough to lower himself to the ground without breaking all his bones.

He could hear the angels behind him. He was scared. He hoped Jeongguk would come soon.

Like on queue he heard a loud scream and a growling like sound.

"don't fucking touch him!" it was Jeongguk. But he looked slightly different. His hands were almost clawlike his wings looked strong and big.

He held one angel at his throat ripping it open and dropped him down. Taehyung slowed down seeing it, he never saw jeongguk like this. He looked like he was turning into a monster...

Suddenly he got grabbed in a hold. He yelled grabbing onto the arm that held him.

"got you now" the angel said and started flying. Taehyung looked at Jeongguk who's eyes immediately snapped to him and he followed them.

Jeongguk tried to grab the angel but he missed and scratched his wing. The man's eyes widen losing control of their balance and he let go of Taehyung who in panic flapped his own wings to fly.

But he couldn't he was going to fast for his poor wings to keep him stable.

He saw the trees coming closer and he screamed.

Jeongguks eyes snapped to the angel and he panicked. He put his wings flat at his back trying to get to the boy.

He got a hold on taehyung's arm and pulled him against his body flapping his wings.

"i got you" he said. taehyung was scared. Jeongguk could feel his heartbeat was so fast.

He looked around but couldn't see the angel anymore. He started flying back in the direction to the castle.


But suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his wing and side. They fell to the ground.

He pulled taehyung tightly against his chest as he prepared for the impact of the ground and branches.

He could feel the wood cut his skin. On their path he suddenly lost taehyung from his grip. When a branch his his arm.

With a loud thud he hit the ground. He groaned turning on his side.

"fuck" he cursed. His side was hurting. It had a big open wound. The angel must have hit him with his magic wich made the devil's skin burn.

Then he felt a pain in his heart.

"tae, shit" he said and quickly pushed himself off the ground. He looked at the cuts on his arm and felt them on his face. He sighed and started walking. Ignoring the wound on his side.

He looked around him. It didn't take too long for him to see the blonde boy on the ground. He didn't seem to be moving.

"Tae!" he hurried to him. He could see he was breathing. But not normal. His breathing was fast. Too fast.

Jungkook suddenly halted in his steps. He sensed he shouldn't walk further.

Looking down the panicked in his body started to rise. Because the ground was filled with Scarletsting flowers.

He could see his angel laying in the middle between the red blood like flowers.

"no no no" jeongguk was trying to figure out what to do.

Then suddenly he heard footsteps. A lot of them. He turned around seeing angels behind him.

"shit" he cursed seeing them attack. Jeongguk then vanished. Disappearing from the forest.


we are getting closer.

Thank you for reading again, see u at the next update!

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