Angels And Other Divine Beings

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We may not know it,

But it is absolutely true

That each human being

Is inextricably related

To at least one angel.

- Sri Chinmoy

Which He did.

Maybe not in the way I would have wanted or expected Him to help me and be by my side – well, when does the Supreme ever cater to our expectations – but in other ways.

Which were much, much more subtle than the apparition of Dipavajan, Guru or the Supreme that I would have preferred.

Or would I?

After all, being suddenly faced with a living, breathing (well, maybe not exactly breathing...) deity or deceased husband is not the piece of cake we might think it is.

For one, the visitor might come with a mission. Which you might or might not be prepared to accept. Then, what would you do?

He might also stay, to encourage or push you to fulfill said mission.

Which I had actually half expected Dipavajan to do, once on the other side. Fortunately, leaving this earth plane appears to have a tendency to take away the human drive and bring to the fore the compassionate side of the souls.

And finally, having someone appear before you out of the blue is not something that those of us who have never had any otherworldly contact, could easily stomach.

According to Lorna Byrnes, who has been able to see angels from a very young age, it needs a lengthy preparation. Otherwise, the body panics.

(To those of you rolling your eyes at the thought of someone being able to see angels, I would recommend that you either learn more about Lorna (through her books or YouTube videos), trust me and my friends who have personally met her, assume an open and curious attitude, or skip to the next chapter.)

I had read her world-famous book Angels in My Hair a few years prior. It had made me cry a lot, due to the hardships that she and her family, as well as countless other people in Northern Ireland, had had to face at the time of her youth.

On the other hand, I had deeply enjoyed her encounters with the angels. Which these Divine Beings had utilized to show her some of the realities hidden from the eyes of most people, for her to share with the rest of humanity.

To spread hope and comfort.

I particularly liked the story of the two young boys on bicycles. Without telling her the reason why, the angels had asked Lorna to accompany them to a certain place on a country road, from where she watched the two youngsters being accidentally run over and killed by a truck.

Which sounds horrific, at first glance.

But the angels allowed her to see how the subtle forms of these two boys just continued cycling upwards and towards the light, laughing and smiling. They didn't even realize that they'd just died! Which takes a lot of drama away from the side of the people dying. And also shows that what appears to be a mere unfortunate accident from our perspective often has been a predestined part of the Divine Plan.

And just imagine how much easier these dramas would be for the people left behind, if they had the same ability to see what is actually happening. Of course, losing someone you love in the physical is never easy (tell me about it!), but these occurrences could be less fraught with self-doubts, regrets and trauma.

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