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So, what does it all mean?

Does it mean that I stopped struggling all together immediately?

Does it mean that I was perpetually happy right from that moment on?

Does it mean that sadness completely disappeared from my life in a twinkling of an eye?

No, no and no.

Of course, not.

And for the following months, I was still a bit fragile.


The profound heaviness that had weighed me down during those long three months, was immediately gone. The feeling that there was no way for me to be truly happy anymore, had left. And the joy of life had reappeared.

And now, as to the time of writing this epilogue at the dawn of 2021, rather exciting and new job opportunities have developed out of the very unexpected chaos and Covid-craziness that was 2020.

Indeed, I feel very blessed with those new prospects that appear to allow me to make a business out of what has always interested me most, while also opening up new ways for me to spread the spiritual consciousness and light of my Guru.

In the meantime, and while I'm working on those plans, I'm back at my parents home. The place where I grew up.

Back to the roots, so to speak.

But looking back at everything from today's perspective, I truly believe that one of the reasons why Dipavajan left this earth plane so early in his life, was to force me to truly learn a few very important but difficult spiritual lessons:

Like surrendering to the Will of the Supreme (and not lose myself in resentment, anger and victimhood).

Being aware of the constant living and protective presence of the Divine in my life.

Seeing life and death as two parts of the same all pervading reality.

Remaining open to and having faith in the inner guidance of the Supreme and in the infinite - and often surprising - possibilities in life that He offers us at every moment. Which also teaches me how to let go of fear, as well as the need to control my future and it shows me how to be free.

This whole process is an intriguing one, albeit not without its challenges, of course.

And maybe I shall tell you about it at some point if you're interested.

But not today.

With gratitude to the Supreme in my Guru,



My second book!! 

Even though this was the book I never, ever wanted to write. :(

But the universe had other plans.

Anyway, I'm relieved that this is done and I hope that you were able to take something from it.

Please, let me know what what you think!

All my love, Apaga

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