Chapter 7: Rise of the Dead and Fall of the Living

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Chapter 7

"I just realised," I grunt, hauling up a bag with Merlin. The stairs in front of us taunting me in silent screams. "Morgana knows you survived. Has she done anything?"

"If by done anything you mean then threaten to kill me, then yes," he grunts back, pulling the sack higher over his shoulder. My legs push against each step and I begin to question my fitness. I thought I was supposed to have endurance and strength now. I even had muscle definition.

"What are we lugging up these stairs anyway?"

Merlin begins to answer but is cut off by Arthur arriving at the top of the stairs.

"Merlin, where have you been! I've been calling for you."

"Gathering provision." He drops his bag, pointing at the one I'm carrying then the others still on the floor. "Twenty-five salted cod, fifteen dried capers, and one smoked boar."

"What on earth for?"

"We're preparing for a siege."

"Yes, not a banquet," the Prince retorts.

"You know what you're like without food. We could be trapped in here for weeks, months, even." He digs into the bag, bringing out a jar of pickled eggs which I find terrible disgusting. "Look what I've got for your breakfast. Your favourite, pickled eggs." He beams up at Arthur who only looks at his servant which disbelief. And frankly, I do too.

"Am I seriously hauling my ass off for Arthur's food stock?" I exclaim. I drop the bag to the floor, stomping up the stairs. "I love you Arthur, but not that much."

"Elena! Come on!" Merlin cries out.

"He's your master!" I call back, rolling my eyes at the Prince who watches in amusement.

Besides, I've got to get ready for a siege.


I pull the chainmail over my head, using the window as a temporary mirror, placing the helmet on. I have a love-hate relationship with the helmet. It's ugly and blocks part of my vision, something that threw me off for a short while. But it helps keep me hidden and protected. I already have a mark where a sword scuffed against it.

I peek out my door, making sure there's nobody to see me leave, and finish tying off my sword's sheathe. I exit, jogging down to the armoury where the rest of the soldiers would be preparing themselves.

It's crowded as men sharped their weapons. I figure I should do the same, finding a spot and stone. I sit down, running the stone along the edges of the blade, keeping an ear out for oncoming orders.

I feel eyes on me and my head tilts up. My stomach drops as I recognise Leon, but he's not looking at me, rather at my sword. He starts striding forward to me.

"Hey where did-"

He's cut off by Arthur's entrance, and his attention is drawn away. I blow out my cheeks in relief, dropping my head back to my sharpening. I listen to the two of them and the Prince is giving him orders but they are soon out of earshot.

The enemy is nearing the border of Camelot as the troops make their final checks, tightening their straps and testing their sword. I move off them a quiet spot, swing it about to warm myself up. And reconfirm my confidence which has been dropping with each second.

I could die tonight, and nobody would know it was me unless they took off my helmet. Maybe they would think that I got in the crossfire when I go missing, trapped somewhere. I wince, realising the Merlin and Gaius have no idea where I am but at least Arthur and Leon think I'm with them. I haven't even seen Castor around but I believe he's been stationed as a lookout on the wall.

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