Chapter 1

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Buck is driving his jeep towards the station, the roof is down, he has sunglasses on and the biggest smile ever on his face. He looked round at all the people he passes by, everyone is so happy, he turns his radio to a different station to catch the weather forecast. "It's a sunny Monday, the 2nd of March in LA be safe and covered today its going be a hot and dry day." the radio echoes around Buck's jeep as he pulls into the firehouse carpark. He can see the rest of the team's cars already in their spaces, he was the last one in. He had been making plans for his night out with Eddie, he was taking the plunge and telling Eddie how he really felt, after everything with Red and Abby, he needed to do this.

He sits in his jeep as he remembers when he spoke to Maddie the other week where she had all but got him drunk and he ended up confessing all which she constantly reminded him as she had got it on video, so she would send him clips whenever he was with Eddie making him blush.


21st February 2020

Buck arrives at Maddie's for their weekly evening meal and to catch up, so much had gone on and it was the only other place he felt safe and wanted. The other obviously been Eddie's, as he knocks on the door he stands there with a bottle of wine after remembering Maddie telling him off for not bringing anything to Eddie's party as its manners, he lets a laugh out as he remembers what he says to Maddie.

'This is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest.'

He is shaken out the thought as the door opens and sees a smiling Maddie, who looks at his hand and grins.

"Oh, you bring something, so you feel more of a guest at mine than at Eddie's." She says with a smirk.

"Well I didn't want listen to another lecture like I did the other week or the one before that" Buck replied smiling at her.

He follows her in, taking his jacket off and placing it on the hanger and heading in to the kitchen he was expecting to see Chim there, as he all but pretty much lived there now but he wasn't. He looked over to Maddie, who was placing his bottle he brought in the fridge whilst grabbing another one out.

"Where is Chim? I thought he'd be here." Buck asks curiously.

"He's helping Albert, so it's just me and you today baby brother, but I was expecting you to bring Eddie?" Maddie quizzes as she turns to get two glasses.

"We're not joined at the hip you know, plus he has some school thing he had to go to with Chris tonight." Buck says trying stop the thought of being joined to Eddie's side.

"Oh please, where there is one the second is normally not that far behind." She laughs as she fills the glasses up.

"We are not, he has his own life so do I, so if Chim is not here have I got to suffer that cooking of yours?" Buck says changing the subject.

"First, I can cook and second, I thought be get a takeaway in considering it's just us, we'll have a few drinks enjoy the night, you're off tomorrow, aren't you?" Maddie asks.

"Yeah, I'm off but I better not getting too drunk, and I fancy Italian what about you?" Buck says looking at his phone looking for menus.

"Yeah, Italian sounds fine." She replies agreeably.

They sit at the counter as they order their meals by phone, so by the time they had finished ordering, Buck had already finished his glass and Maddie had barely touched hers. Buck wandered over to the side and got the bottle and filled his right up and then topped Maddie's too.

"Slow down Buck, I don't want deal with you drunk before we eat." Maddie jokes looking at Buck who just grins at her.

"I can handle my wine, let's have a good night, been a long time just you and I." He says holding his glass up looking for a clink with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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