t w e n t y e i g h t

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I woke up and E.j was right next to me sleeping I kissed his forehead and was gonna get out of bed and looked at Jacks hand in mine I gave a kiss of his lips and left

I brushed my teeth and went out I looked at my phone and saw a text from Amria

come home anytime :)

I saw jeff slowly walking to Adrian while adrian was crying really hard and everyone was behind him

"woah what's going on"Adrian was crying really hard and rubbing his eyes

"Adrians eyes are a different color and he says it hurts and he has theses abilities that's are kinda like your but like purple"

my eyes widen then softened I went and sat in front of adrian and took his hands off his eyes and he looked at me his pupil was black and the other side was purple

"how pretty"I held his hand and my eyes changed

"you'll get use to it kid pinky promise"he wiped the other tears away and put his pinky with mine

he went to jeff and hugged him

"I'm sorry I hurt you "he stroked his hair and smiled

"its ok kiddo"

"God how many other freaks are there here"

"oh so the bitch speaks.. "

"the hell you say"I laughed then looked at her I made my eyes change and she laughed

"you think I'm scared of you"

"you sure seemed scared the last time I almost ended you"Hoodie grabbed my wrist and I looked at him hand was dripping with blood

"don't she isn't worth your time"

"why is she still here"my eyes went back to normal and I threw the water shard at her face making a deep cut on her cheek

its been a few weeks now this pregnancy sucks but I'm excited Amria had been giving me medicine that's really good for the baby its doing really good so far healthy and everything but that girl Abby I swear I wanna drown her in a tub

I went to sleep early cause I was tired E.j can and slept next to me

in the middle of the night I saw a figure leaning over me with a knife

"what the fu-"I kicked the figured making it hit against the dresser

"babe what-"I was holding the knife back from entering me shoulder I was much weaker because of the baby

"NO! "Jack tackled the figure with anger and chocked it against the wall the person grabbed a knife and periced it in his eye


"FUCK! "slenderman game in and pinned the figure to the wall and slammed it on the floor multiple times taking the hoodie off

"ah you bitch"Jack took the knife out and was about to stab him but hoodie held him back

"heh well that twisted huh"Slenderman stabbed Abby in the stomach

Kissed By The Rain(Eyeless Jack X reader)Where stories live. Discover now