t w e l v e

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once I woke up I saw Jack sleeping soundly I kissed his lips and went to the bathroom

I remembered what I did yesterday and I decided not to tell anyone about it I walked into the living room and gave her a death glare I walked to Slenderman

"uhm to be honest I don't think I trust this new girl right now she seems way to suspicious"

"my dear we said if she tried anything we would end her"I looked away and scoffed

I walked outside and threw arrows at the tree and heard voices coming out I saw Masky and Hoodie walk out

"oh hey guys "they waved

"so about that new girl.."they begn to get silent

"so does she seem a bit suspicious I must say.."Masky said I clenched my hand

"be careful you guys god know what she's capable of.."they nodded and we walked together around the forest

"hey you guys look at this"Hoodie was kneeled down looking at something in the leaves

"aww its a bunny"I said smiling

"it looks hurt like the leg.. huh I'm surprised this runt is still alive I haven't seen any other bumnys running around here"it looked terrified

"I kinda wanna keep it.."I smiled while saying

"come on Y/n we can't you know how slender will get bringing a pet home..hehe I remember when Ben brought a snake"Masky laughed

"that's cause it was a snake Sally terrified of them"Hoodie and Masky were talking about the snake and I was wondering how I could repair the leg

"where's your mama little thing.. "it looked at me with the little eyes I smiled and picked it up

"guys you sure we can't take it home.. maybe I can fix its leg.."they shook there head no and Hoodie spoke up

"how about this Y/n we fix the leg here and then we go looking for the mom"I frowned

"what if we don't find the mom.."he sighed

"then.. then we can take it home.. but the mom should be here somewhere"I nodded and the boys walked back began to the house to see if we had ointment they calm to still have some left after that snake

I held the baby bunny close to me and began to pat its head and smiled after 5 minutes it had fallen asleep I heard branched cracking and I flinched..

"hello..whose there.."I took out Jacks knife and looked around..

"don't do anything funny I will hurt you"after my talking the baby woke up

"shit sorry little thing-"I heard it again leave moving around..

"come out here now.."I thought Masky and Hoodie were playing some joke on me

"Damn it Masky if this is you I swear I'll kill you.."

"my my such beautiful eyes.."my eyes widened and I turned around

"be a doll and show me where that beautiful mansion is.. "

"who are you and why arent you showing yourself!!"I clenched the knife and held the bunny closer to me

"...I'll kill you get out her and quit being a pussy!!"

"my my what a filthy mouth.."I clenched my teeth


"Y/n...?"I turned and saw the boys

"who are you talking to..."I looked around once more

"u-uhh..no nothing don't worry about it"they looked a bit curious


"anway did you bring the ointment.."Masky smiled

"yea we did here you go"he handed me the ointment and as I was pitting the ointment I felt there eyes looking at me

"Y/n..? "I heard Hoodie say..


"who were you yelling at we heard you while we were walking"I sighed

"there was someone talking to me.. like a voice..it randomly spoke to me asking me to show it the mansion..did-didnt y'all hear it.. "Masky shook his head no I looked down and gave a smile at them

"jezz I must be tired.."I picked up the little creature and smiled

"there you are .. good as new.."I held it close to me and looked at them

"shall we find the mother to this little runt.."

"quit calling her a runt"hoodie smiled

"then what should we call it...?"I smiled and looked at him

"hmm...why not.."I smiled

"why not Bridgitta.."I looked up at them and Masky smiled

"good for me.."I smiled and looked at her

"ok bridgitta let's find your mom.."we walked for hours..

"damn it I can't it anywhere and the sun is going down.."I sighed and looked at her

"sorry little baby..we can't find you-"

"hey guys over here"we walked and saw 4 baby bunny and a sleeping mom

"we did it guys we found it"we smiled at each other and i kneeled down and softly placed her in the little den I petted her head

"hope you grow big and strong.. little thing be careful out there"I smiled and then it slowly began to fade Masky put his hand on my shoulder

"she'll be find Y/n"I smiled at him

"I know.."I turned and walked away with the boys..

we arrived at the house and I sat at the table Jack came and went next to me

"how was the walk I hope you didn't run into trouble it took you a while to get back I remember the voice and smiled

"no nothing we found a bunny and we treated it and took it home"I smiled and he wrapped his arm around me

"your sweet"I smiled

"I know "we smiled at each other

"sooo that girl.. did she cause you guy any trouble?.."he shrugged

"well for starters she's a total pussy but no not really.. but my knife is missing and I can't seem to find it I think Jeff to it again that bastard or it couldve been her I don't know yet.."I tried to hold back my smile and nodded

"imma go to the restroom"he nodded

"ohhh and Jack.."he looked at me and I smiled I cleared my throat and made a straight face

"heres you knife"I smiled and dashed away

"heyyy I was looking for i-"

"ANYWHOO I'll be back"he chuckled and i walked away

I looked in the mirror at myself and remembered the voice

"Shit.. this better not bite me in the ass later.."

Kissed By The Rain(Eyeless Jack X reader)Where stories live. Discover now