t h i r t y o n e

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Apologies .. "he threw me to the ground and Laughing jack out his foot on my head

"STOP IT!! "Jack shook the bars

you wanna do it don't you... "they laughed

get out of my head... tears fell down my eyes

but you want to.. come on he's hurting the boy you love and most importantly your baby

I looked in a mirror that was in front of me...

am I in my own head..

of course you are you have to let me go out dear... I'm aching for some flesh..

he coved my eyes and when he let his hands off I saw my eyes change bleed..

the voice left I could barely hear him..

wake up Y/n...

w-wake up??

wake up from what??

wake up Y/n..! the voice was louder this time.. my eyes stung they were bleeding more...



I gasped loudly and my eyes were bleeding and turned into the harsh color

I ripped the rope of my wrist and dark red shards appeared behind me as I stabbed most of them into laughing jack he coughed out blood

"W-why you little.. GAH-"I stabbed a shard ingot his chest

"NO!! ERRR!!! "she pulled a lever and ran at laughing jack

"GAHHHH "Ben screamed holding his head

everyone screamed in pain rolling on the floor

whats going on..!

I pulled open the room door and Sally came charging out to Ben

"Ben w-whats going on... "


"whatever it is fight it you can please please Ben.. "

"i-im so sorry.. "

"what.. "he jumped on top of Sally grabbing his knife

"NO.. "Toby shoved Ben restraining him he smashed his wrist to the floor until he dropped the knife

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING B-"Clockwork jumped over Toby

"My my aren't you cute.. "

"you dont know what your doing baby.. "she rasied her arm and pounced down but he caught it..

"HOODIE GET MASKY SOMEWHERE NOW..!"hoodie picked masky up and cradled him was about to leave but Bloody painter grabbed his ankle

"p-please help me find my baby.. lucas.. please help me find my son.. "he helped him up and they ran off

I looked around for Jack and I could hear Toby screaming in pain

my dad was helping as much as possible but he couldn't he was down on the floor bleeding out


I was running to him and felt someone throw me to the floor I looked up emotionless


"yea bitch I'm still alive I see you had your kid.. finally I'll be able to rip your heart out"I laughed psychotically

"RIP MY HEART OUT..!!"I laughed some more

"trust me sweet heart you won't do shit to me"she took out a knife and threw i kicked it and summoned ice shards

she looked shocked..

I held my hand out and flicked my finger making all the shards go at her they went through her and she got up and ran at me I got shocked on how she was still even running..

she through punches an kicks at me and moved her knife making a cut on cheek I grabbed her wrist and broke it she screamed in pain and I grabbed her and slammed her to the floor putting her knife up to her neck

"bye bye now"I laughed and slit her throat open I threw her corpse

I ran to my Slenderman but was pulled back by a sudden force

"what the fuck..!!"I looked at jack and he forced the doors open and ran to me he grabbed my wrist and something slammed him to the wall

"NO!!!"I looked around to see who was taking me and then it hit me..

"Zalgo.."I felt a sting on my whole body and k screamed in pain

"FINALLY I GOT YOU THE LAST OF YOUR KIND I GOT YOU NOW!!!"I felt my ancestors coming out my body and forming themselves into shards they went at him and he dropped me I formed more shards and he ran at me attempting to grab me

so I threw more and more shards I felt someone jump on me and it was Jack

"what the jack!! what are you do-"he bit down on my shoulder making me scream

I kicked him off and saw sally on top of ben she hard tears in her eyes and she stabbed him jack kicked me making me hit my head

"fuck..."he kicked me over and over again and grabbed my wrist pinning them down

"i-im sorry baby.."he spoke

"jack please please..."

"I can't s-stop.."

"I know you can baby please just just fight whatever this is please baby.."he screamed in pain and held his head in pain

"f-fuck  sorry.."he jumped on me again attempting to bite down once more I kicked him off and he pinned me down again

"look at me look at me Jack.."he turned his attention to me and I gave him a soft smile

"I love you.. I always have... I'm so sorry.. "I stabbed a fire shard into his stomach and he coughed blood on my face

he smiled at me and fell over I picked him up and cried I looked around I saw Toby jeff Ben Clockwork dead

"this all happened because of me... I cried and hugged Jack tightly

"all of this was because of me...I'm so sorry jack"

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