Chapter One.

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"Mum," I said, raising the pitch of my voice like I usually did when I wanted to ask her for something. 

"No, Sammy," mum said, turning to look at me as she put Jack in his pram, getting ready to talk him to the park. "I know you're both old enough to do what you like but this is still my house and the same rules apply to you as they did to Kayla and Luke when they lived here. No."

"But that's not fair," I groaned. "It's only one night and we won't do anything. I just.."

Mum interrupted me as I tried to change her mind. "No," she said persistently. "George is stopping in Luke's old room and you'll be in your room. End of the matter."

"I'm not stupid though. I'm.." 

Mum interrupted me again. "Sammy, I've said no and that's the final answer. No."

Sighing, I turned around and ran back up the stairs, taking my phone out of my jeans pocket. It was only 1pm and George wasn't getting here for another three hours - I had three hours to kill doing absolutely nothing. Getting into my room, I shut the door behind me and turned the radio on. 

"Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world," I sang along to the radio, dancing away to myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. "Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love. Like I'm the only one who knows your heart. Only girl in the world. Like I'm the only one that's in command. 'Cos I'm the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man." 

After the song finished, I slumped down on my sofa and grabbed my laptop. As I sat checking my Twitter, I couldn't help but constantly look at the clock in the corner of the screen, keeping an eye on the time. 4pm had to hurry up. I hadn't seen George since we got back from The Bahamas for Kate and Jonathan's wedding a week ago but I missed him like crazy. An hour of consistently refreshing my Twitter timeline slowly passed by and I decided to turn my laptop off and do something productive - watch Friends repeats on the television in the lounge downstairs. 


"Sammy," mum smiled to me, walking into the lounge, carrying a sleeping Jack in her arms. "Want me to come with you to get George from the train station?"

I shook my head. "Chloe said she'd drive me."

"Oh, okay," she said, sounding a little disappointed. "Hadn't you better get ready then?"

"Why? What time is it?" I asked, not taking my attention from the television screen as Ross said the wrong name at the alter at his wedding to Emily.

"Half three," mum said, sitting down on the sofa next to me. "I thought you said.."

I interrupted her as I jumped off the sofa. "Chloe's gonna be here in ten minutes," I said. "I thought it was only half two."

"Go get ready and I'll keep an eye out for Chloe for you," mum smiled, rocking Jack slowly as he slept peacefully in her arms. 

I didn't even respond to mum, instead I sprinted across the hallway and up the stairs to my bedroom. Taking my hoodie off and flinging it across the room, I pulled my wardrobe door open and tried to find something decent to put on. After a few moments of debating what to wear, I put on George's shirt that I'd stolen from him in The Bahamas over my white strap top and black skinny jeans. Rushing over to my dressing table, I rummaged through my make-up bag and applied as much make-up as I could within two minutes without it looking tacky. Looking at the clock on my shelf, I realised it was dead on 3.40pm - the time Chloe agreed to pick me up at. As mum called my name from downstairs, I grabbed the hair band out of my hair, pulled it off and gave my hair a shake, letting my hair fall down in a messy wave sort of fashion. Walking around my bed to the door, I glanced around quickly to make sure it wasn't messy. 

The Heartbreak Factor - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now