Almost Too Late -12

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Hello, I hope you like what I did with Tikki and Plagg last chapter! They won't show up as much this chapter but, there is some screen-time for one of the ships! The song above is what Marinette listened to on her way to school. Here is the song that Adrien was listening too-

Marinette's Pov-

Beep Beep Be-

I groan as I roll over to see the time, 7:00 am- Thurs.

As I shut off my alarm I hear the friction of someone moving, across my room where a couch was. I sit up in my bed, causing my to get dizzy. I shake it off as I try to focus on where the sound came from.

"Huh?" I say, as at first it looked like a bundle of black and red clothes. As my eyes adjust I see Tikki laying on top of Plagg with their legs tangled together. Aww, I think as I quietly throw off the covers and tip-toe over to my bathroom. As I turn of my faucet I cringe at the obnoxious noise it made. As I lift the toothbrush with bubble gum toothpaste to my mouth, I hear one of the kwami's groaning. 

I peek my head out of the bathroom, toothbrush in one hand and hair brush in the other. I see a sleepy Tikki curled in the blankets that I had laid out yesterday night on the couch. I watch as a very groggy Plagg, get's up. Kisses the bundle of red black on the forehead, and walks to the bathroom with me. I wore a shocked expression on my face a Plagg walks towards me, and goes to the other side of the bathroom, closing the door. I stand there shocked as Plagg does this, like he had done it everyday for his entire life. Then it hit's me.

They love each other, and they can't be together unless their miraculous barres say so. And they can't be together unless, we know who each other is. As I think about how Chat might know who I am, I drop the toothbrush into the sink with a loud clank. As I stare off into space going through all the scenarios where he could have figured it out. 

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" I say as I pace the room, having my daily panic attack.

"Marinette, what's wrong?" I hear a groggy Tikki say as I turn on my heel to face her.

"Umm-I-he, argghhhh!" I say as I try to tell her what happened, I sit down and lean against my bed with my face in my knees. As I think back to yesterday I remember the song Alya played. 

"Oh my god, what if he knows that I know!" I utter as I look up at Tikki who was know crossing he room to get to me.

"So she finally found, hmf." Plagg says, while I look to see him leaning in the door frame of the bathroom.

"Plagg!" Tikki says while squatting down to comfort me. "Marinette, relax. He doesn't know you know." She says with a small smile while rubbing circles onto my leg, trying to calm me down.

"Ok, but was he disappointed?" I say looking at Plagg who was now sitting cross-cross next to me.

"Umm, I'm not really sure. He was panicking too much for me to really know." Plagg says, chuckling.

"Not helping!" I hear Tikki says as I lower my head back into my knees.

"Ow!" I hear Plagg say, as I imagine that Tikki probably elbowed him.

"Hey Plagg." I say, my voice muffled by my knees.


"Look out the window, and tell me what you see." I say as I look up at him.

"Okay." He says, getting up and crossing the room to look out my window.

"Um, it's nice and sunny. There aren't many cars on the road." He says looking out the window.

"Yes exactly, it's sunny. And well pasted sunrise, you need to get back to Chat." I see getting up, and walking over to my closet. 

"Oh, right! Thanks Marinette! Bye Tikki love you!" I hear Plagg say as I see a flash of green light from the corner of my eye.

"See you tonight!" I hear Plagg say, as I turn to see him dashing out the window in his smaller form.

"You guys are gonna meet up?" I say walking behind the my shoji screen. (An- you can look it up is you don't know what it is.)

"Actually, you and Chat are gonna meet up." I hear Tikki say as I struggle to get my skinny jeans on.

"Really, ok." I say walking out wearing my trade mark clothes. My black jacket, pick skinny jeans, and my white flower print shirt.

"Here Marinette," Tikki says while handing me my hair ties.

"Oh thanks Tikki!" I say, grabbing the hair ties from her. And pulling my hair into my signature pig-tails.


As I wait for the cross walk I pull out my phone and earbuds. As I put in the earbuds I see Alya and Nino across the street, I wave as I pull up YouTube.

As the song plays, the cross walk goes green. While crossing I could have sworn I say Adrien running for his life a couple yards ahead. I shrug it off as I head to school, wondering what Chat might want to talk about.

As I walk through the huge oak doors I see Luka leaning on the door frame, most likely waiting for me.

"Hey!" I say as I wave and walk over.

"Hey Marinette! How are you?" He asks with a warm smile.

"Oh nothing much." I lie through my teeth, as I walk past him. I walk past I feel my hair being let loose.

"Huh?" I say as I turn to see Luka giving me a cheeky smile, with both of my hair ties in each of his hands.

"What are you doing?"  I say with a cocked eyebrow, while tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Nothing, I just like it better like that." He says while handing me back my hair ties, I blush as our hands touch for a moment.

"Oh ok," I say as he walks past me, acting like nothing happened.


Adrien's Pov-

Shit shit shit shit! I think as I race to school, music blaring in my ears. As I hear the bell ring I rip the earbuds from my ears and skid to a stop in front of my first class, English.

"Mr. Agreste. If you are going to be late, then make your entrance quieter. But since this your first time being late I will give you a warning." My teacher says as she turns from the board to face me in the door way. I hear snickers, most likely coming from Luka. As I cringe, closing my eyes and walking over to my seat.

I sigh in relief as I sit down, as the teacher resumes the lesson I feel eyes staring at me from behind. As I turn I see Marinette giving me a nervous smile, I give her a warm smile as I quickly turn back around to hide my blush. Who gave her the right to look that cute!?! I think as I pull out my notebook and try to focus on class. I hear a scoff from behind me as I set down my notebook. As I look around the people behind me, I see Luka giving me a wicked smile.

"Ughh," I turn back around, forgetting that Marinette was there for a second. As I try to focus on my class, I feel a tap on my left shoulder as a note was tossed over my shoulder.

Word count- 1263

I hope you like this chapter, you guys might be getting some angst next chapter. Sorry, not. I hope you have a good day/night!

Ry out!

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