22 / Corruption

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That was not what Taeyong had expected that day. It was not what he had expected at all.


"So you didn't, you know, encounter anything that may have injured you?" Baekhyun asked. The team - except for Taemin - had met up at Neo Cafe to discuss their plans.

"Nope." Ten shrugged. Baekhyun's eyes squinted in attempt to see something behind his words or at least in his facial features.

"Did he bump his head on the way home?" He asked Lucas.

"I'm just as confused as you." He replied, eyes glued to his phone. "The only people who have a lead on Ten's personality switch are Taeyong and Taemin."

It was a shame they couldn't interrogate Taemin. He said he was going to search for one of the objects in Korea to give them less workload. Taeyong - along with his clones - were in the kitchen preparing food for the customers while Jisung and Mark took orders and gave out food.

The team had recently met Jisung upon his first day of working at Neo Cafe. Unlike the others, he had certain side effects when it came to using his powers and Taemin took it upon himself to do research on it, which was another reason of his absence.

"I'll be back." Baekhyun said, slipping out the booth. He wove his way through the long line of customers and pushed through the doors to the kitchen.

It looked like a factory in there. Clones bustled around, carrying flaming pots and pans and mixing bowls; unbothered by the chaos unfolding. Each clone had a different hair colour and a different attitude towards their work.

"I could be ambushing people with my cherry bombs, but no, I have to help this guy cook." Pink haired Taeyong complained as he walked past Baekhyun. He saw the super through the corner of his eye and smiled.

"You don't happen to have any Oreos, do you?"

"Just steal some from here." Baekhyun suggested. Cherry's smile transitioned into a frown and he turned away.

"And get myself disintegrated? No thanks." Cherry scoffed. "Everyday, there's a check up on stock and if the original Taeyong finds out something's gone missing, the culprit gets put into dormancy for a week!"

"Be grateful it's only a week." A brunette clone muttered, slipping on rubber gloves. "It's better than being dormant forever."

"You've been alive more times than we ever were combined!" Another complained. More clones agreed, clanging their knifes and other things they held. "You're lucky you can come back every time you get poofed!"

"Maybe it's because I'm liked more." Cherry shrugged with a lopsided smile.

"Or maybe it's because the original doesn't have proper control of his powers." A blue haired clone suggested. "When he gets stronger, it will be great for us and also for him - especially when he's in the battlefield."

"Shut it, Blueberry." One of the clones snapped. "Newborns don't have the right to speak."

"Respect each other, boys." A clone said, sitting away from the lights. Only red leather jeans and black combat boots could be seen. "If one of us goes rogue and attacks, we'll all be goners. And I mean permanently." The clones silenced themselves and continued working.

Baekhyun turned to see a clone walk out of his hiding spot. His hair was platinum blonde and messy with an undercut. His roots grew out, making his hair look far more unruly and gave the clone a threatening appearance. His sleeveless denim jacket exposed his arms that were painted with numerous designs all done with midnight black ink.

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