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Bart woke up on a bed. All the JLA was with him.

<<Hey>> Barry said worried:<<What happened to you?>>.

<<Nothing>> he said.

<<No>> Wally said:<<Something's wrong with you. We know you're hiding something. What is it?>>.

<<Ok. I came here for 2 reasons. I came here to know you better dad because one day you'll desappear an you'll never come back anymore>>.


<<No>> Barry said:<<We can't know it. What's the second?>>.

<<I'm dying>> Bart kept.

<<Why? How?>>.

<<I started fightning the crime 6 months ago and a meta poisoned me with his powers. That's why my lightning's blue. From my age there's nothing that can help me. But in this week August Hearth built something that can destroy the Speedforce. So I thought that we could invert the effects so that my Speedforce can heal. I'm sorry I lied>>.

<<It's ok>>.

<<There's someone else who can help you>> Wally said.


<<Jay Garrick>>.

DC ADVENTURE JSA AND BART ALLENWhere stories live. Discover now